[New-York-News] Door Prizes and Donations

margo Downey margo.downey at roadrunner.com
Mon Sep 28 23:19:48 UTC 2020

Hello, everyone.  It is almost State Convention time and that means it's 
also time for door prizes.  We are asking that door prizes take the form of

gift cards.  The gift cards should be ones that can be used statewide. 
Example of gift cards are:  Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Target, 

Chapters and individuals can send gift cards or checks and we'll get gift
cards.  Mindy Jacobsen and I are the door prize people for this Convention.
will be working with the following Chapters:  Westchester, New York City, 
Vanguard and Long Island.  I will be working with the following Chapters: 
Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse and Divisions.  

Please send door prizes to: 

NFB Newsline Outreach Center 
2175 Sheridan Dr. 
Buffalo, NY  14217 

If you have questions, please call me at 


Or Mindy at 


Also, don't forget to register.  One of the great things about registration
is the chance to win a door prize.  

This State Convention promises to be a wonderful, informative, and lively 
Convention.  And, of course, be there.  If your name is drawn, you'll get a

prize you can use. 

MargoDowney and Mindy Jacobsen 

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