[New-York-News] Building a Network

Bernice Bird bernice.j.bird at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 23:44:24 UTC 2021

Hello from Bernice, your New York State NFB Newsline Outreach Coordinator,


The topic for today is "Building a NFB Newsline Network".


I have often wondered what comes to mind when we think about building
networks.  So, I searched in Google for the definition of network, and found
the following:

*	Noun: a group or system of interconnected people or things.
*	Verb: interact with others to exchange information and develop
professional or social contacts. 

So that got me thinking about how we in the NFB fit into both definitions.


The NFB is a network of thousands of individuals concerned with issues that
affect people who are blind.  Our goal is to work together to improve the
lives of blind people through advocacy and legislation as well as to gain
equal access to goods, services, and recreation.  We do these so that we can
live the life we want. Providing Access to news, magazines, job searches,
shopping circulars, and, of course, TV listings through Newsline is vital to
accomplishing our mission.  Therefore, the NFB at both the National and
Affiliate level work hard every year to assure that Newsline remains
available to every person who is blind and to others who can't read print
due to a disability.


My goal, as defined in my job as the Outreach Coordinator, is to find people
that aren't subscribed for this fantastic service that are eligible, and to
assist people that have the service to solve problems and to increase their


As a quick review, the NFB NEWSLINE network has over 500 publications
available to you as a qualified subscriber. Included among these 500
publications are: 

*	Local, State, National and International newspapers
*	Magazines on many topics
*	Local store circulars
*	TV listings
*	Weather alerts 
*	Job listings
*	Your state channel.


People who have a print disability are eligible to subscribe to this vast
network of information. A print disability is any disability that makes the
reading of regular printed material impossible. 


There is no age requirement for becoming a NFB NEWSLINE subscriber. Students
of any age can find articles that give them information to complete an
assignment, and to increase their knowledge about a specific interest and
current events. Seniors may be missing that newspaper hitting their front
porch, because they are no longer able to read it. Let's face it. With over
500 publications at your fingertips, there must be something for everybody
of any age or background.


As the NFB NEWSLINE Outreach Coordinator, I am asking you to network with me
to expand the number of subscribers, and to bring to my attention concerns
you or someone you know has when accessing the NFB NEWSLINE network.


Here is what you can do to help us further build the NFB NEWSLINE network.

1.	If you are subscribed, and have not started using NFB NEWSLINE yet,
please feel free to contact me so I can assist you with navigating the NFB
NEWSLINE network and with finding the information you are interested in
2.	If you aren't already subscribed, and you would like to hear more
about NFB NEWSLINE, please contact me to talk about how this informative
service can enrich your life. 
3.	If you have a friend, relative, and/or acquaintance that is blind,
visually impaired, physically impaired, or cognitively impaired, and if you
wish to bring a multitude of informational resources to him or her, please
ask if I can speak to him or her about our incredible resource.


One of the issues that will be addressed at New York state's Albany seminar,
in just a few weeks, is making funding for NFB NEWSLINE a service funded
through the Targeted Accessibility Fund. You can assist this effort by
participating in the seminar, phoning legislators when asked to do so to ask
for their support, and to help us increase subscribers, and to assist usage.


Currently, I am contacting organizations, agencies, and groups to educate
possible subscribers about NFB NEWSLINE. As the independent living skills
trainer at an ILC, I found that individual contact was absolutely the most
effective way to reach possible consumers. There are just so many people I
know, so I need you to work with me in the effort to expand the NFB NEWSLINE
network. I am sure you know people that are eligible and would benefit from
this vast amount of information. The need for your participation can not be
stated strongly enough. NFB NEWSLINE needs you. Please act today. I'm sure
you know a few people that would benefit from our wonderful resource. Why
deprive them of NFB NEWSLINE?


To communicate with me, please email me at 


newslineoutreach at nfbny.org <mailto:newslineoutreach at nfbny.org> 


Bernice Bird

NFB NEWSLINE Outreach Coordinator

NFB of New York State, Inc.


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