[New-York-News] NABS Notes

president at nfbny.org president at nfbny.org
Tue Jun 1 21:58:23 UTC 2021

NABS Notes - May 2021


"And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the
trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction
that life was beginning over again with the summer." -F. Scott Fitzgerald,
The Great Gatsby

Welcome to the May edition of our NABS Notes! Congratulations on the end of
another successful academic year! We know it hasn't always been easy, but
we've loved walking alongside you through both the good and the bad times.
Now it's time to relax, rejuvenate, and read. We hope you'll take some time
to catch up on all things new with NABS. Read on to learn more about our
upcoming events and updates from committees. In this edition you will find:


.A Message from the Board

.May Episode of the NABS Now Podcast

.Committee Updates

.Stay Connected | NABS Social Media


Celebrating Our NABS Family!

As we reach the end of May, congratulations are in order for all of our NABS
members. Whether you graduated this spring or are in the middle of your
schooling, you deserve to be celebrated for the incredible perseverance and
determination you put forth during this crazy, unexpected year. We in NABS
know that the journey is not always an easy one, but now is the time we hope
you can relax long enough to appreciate the steps you have taken during the
2020-2021 academic year toward both your generalized success and
personalized goals. We have loved walking with you through your journey thus
far, and we cannot help but celebrate all of the milestones logged this

If you are a member of the class of 2021, we would love to celebrate your
success in our NABS graduation ceremony, taking place on Sunday, June 6 at
7:00 PM EST. Please keep an eye on our social media platforms and the NABS
listserv for further details.


May Episode of the NABS Now Podcast | Crafty & Careful Spending - A
Beginner's Guide to Credit Cards

Credit cards are obtained by students for various reasons, but learning to
select and smartly use a credit card can be tricky. In this episode, we
explore some important terms to both recognize and understand when applying
for a credit card, how to get the most out of a credit card, and what to
consider when deciding if a credit card is right for you.

Thank you to special guests Janae Peterson and Santiago Hernandez.

Created and produced by Nina Marranca, Seyoon Choi, and Kinshuk Tella.

Interested in assisting with the production of the NABS Now podcast? Email
Nina at  <mailto:ninam0814 at gmail.com> ninam0814 at gmail.com for more

Find us on Spotify <https://open.spotify.com/show/47rJlZrFHD4EIqvgLRNhHM> ,
Apple Podcasts,
RjYXN0L3Jzcw==%20> Google Podcasts, or see  <https://anchor.fm/nabs-now%20>
our Anchor page for more ways to listen!


Committee Updates

Reaching Out to You

The NABS Outreach committee invites you to participate in our next committee
meeting, where we will discuss the NABS Now Podcast, upcoming blog post
content, and more, taking place on Sunday, June 13 at 8:00 PM EST. For
questions on how to get involved,  <mailto:Ninam0814 at gmail.com> email
Committee Chair Nina Marranca.


Raising Expectations & Funds

The NABS Fundraising Committee is gearing up for full participation at our
national convention in July. The embodiment of this enthusiasm can be seen
through the three NABS initiatives, either currently running or on the
horizon. Our NABS 5th annual Walk-A-Thon is live, and you can
<https://go.rallyup.com/9cebd4/Campaign> get registered anytime between now
and the day of our event. Next, there's still time to
rVRElLQN5xgucag/viewform> share a recipe for the "NABS Nuggets" cookbook,
production for which will begin soon. Finally, production of our NABS Greek
Tees is well underway; stay tuned for more information. Join us in the
exciting work of fundraising by tuning in to our next committee meeting,
taking place on Sunday, June 13 at 9:00 PM EST. For questions on how to get
involved,  <mailto:Robert.e.parsons at wmich.edu> email Committee Chair Robert


When They Don't Believe in Our Majors or Employment Goals

In the month of May, the NABS Legislative and Self-Advocacy Committee held a
conference call focused on self-advocacy, specifically regarding others
doubting our abilities to succeed. Many students find themselves in
situation when they must advocate for themselves if a Vocational
Rehabilitation counselor does not want to support an employment goal or
someone at a college/university does not believe that blind students can
succeed in a certain program of study. We often talk about these challenges
in the context of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and
mathematics) fields; however, low expectations can affect blind students in
any career field or major area of study. To engage in dialogues similar to
this one, aimed at fostering change in the perceptions of our abilities,
join our next committee call, happening on Sunday, June 20 at 8:00 PM EST.
For questions on how to get involved,  <mailto:president at alumni.ecu.edu>
email Committee Chair Justin Salisbury.


Add to Our Committee with Your Diverse Self!

The NABS Diversity and Inclusion Committee encourages anyone with an
interest in getting involved in our efforts to join our next committee
meeting, happening on Sunday, June 20 at 9:00 PM EST with your thoughts,
ideas, and opinions. Unable to attend our next meeting or simply have more
questions on how to get involved?  <mailto:Monica.wegner at outlook.com> Email
Committee Chair Monica Wegner or join the committee
<https://groupme.com/join_group/58566316/Tqug79NE> GroupMe, where members
coordinate our activities.


. And don't forget our monthly membership call, taking place on Sunday, June
27 at 9:00 PM EST!


Connect with Us | NABS Social Media

Follow us on:

 <https://twitter.com/nabslink?lang=en> Twitter,
<https://gramho.com/profile/nabslink/8395929238> Instagram,
<https://www.facebook.com/Nabspage> like us on Facebook,
<https://www.facebook.com/groups/173482726798026> join our Facebook group, &
<https://www.nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/nabs-l_nfbnet.org> join the NABS
email listserv.


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