[New-York-News] UPDATE: ** IMPORTANT CALL TO ACTION ** You immediate action is needed
president at nfbny.org
president at nfbny.org
Thu Jun 3 19:38:27 UTC 2021
Hi All!
We wish to update you on today's progress of the Blind Parents Right to
Parent Bill (A2113/S4407). This afternoon, S4407 passed in the Senate 61 to
1 and now has been returned to the Assembly who it is the Speaker's
responsibility to send A2113/S4407 to the Governor's desk.
This is fantastic news and we wish to thank the hard efforts over the past
several years of the members of this affiliate getting us to this stage!
After the Governor signs the bill, it will go into effect three months
(90 days) after it has become law. So there is still time left until the
legislation becomes law, but we have passed one of the largest hurdles of
getting it passed in both the Assembly & Senate!
On behalf of the legislation committee, thank you all and we will continue
to follow up with any continuing updates related to the Governor's action
on this matter.
Justin Young
From: president at nfbny.org <president at nfbny.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 2, 2021 9:37 PM
To: 'new-york-news at nfbnet.org' <new-york-news at nfbnet.org>
Subject: UPDATE: ** IMPORTANT CALL TO ACTION ** You immediate action is
Hi All: This is an update of the message we sent yesterday. The Children and
Families Committee of the Senate reported our bill out favorably.
Accordingly, there is no need to email or call Senator Brisport's office.
The bill is now on its way to the Senate floor, and will hopefully come to
the floor for a vote any day.
We may still need to email or call Senator Stewart-Cousins, depending on the
progress of the bill this evening. We will keep you informed. Please watch
your email before making any calls or sending any emails.
From: president at nfbny.org <mailto:president at nfbny.org> <president at nfbny.org
<mailto:president at nfbny.org> >
Sent: Tuesday, June 1, 2021 5:51 PM
To: new-york-news at nfbnet.org <mailto:new-york-news at nfbnet.org>
Subject: ** IMPORTANT CALL TO ACTION ** You immediate action is needed
Hi All:
I hope you are well and safe. We need to act quickly on the Blind Persons'
Right to Parent Act.
The Assembly bill, A 2113 passed unanimously. This is a huge step for us
because it has died there in past years. Now we need to get it through the
Senate. It passed unanimously in the previous legislature, but is now stuck
in the Children and Families Committee, which Senator Jabari Brisport now
We need to flood Senator Brisport's office with phone calls and emails
urging him to move the bill through his committee, so it can go to the
senate floor. We also need to call and email the Majority Leader, Senator
Andrea Stewart-Cousins, and ask her to bring it to the floor for a vote. It
will pass if it gets to the floor, but it has to get there first.
The bill number is S 4407, sponsored by Senator Kevin Parker. We need
everyone who can make a phone call or send an email to do so this Thursday,
June 3. I will provide their office phone numbers and emails below. So if
you can't make a call or send an email during regular business hours, you
can leave a voicemail or send an email at any time that day. Let's overload
their voicemail and email boxes.
When calling Senator Brisport's office, please provide your name and general
location, eg., Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. State that you are calling in support of
S 4407, the Blind Persons' Right to Parent Act, and ask that he report it
favorably out of the Children and Families Committee, so it can move to the
senate floor. If you are a blind parent, state that, and talk about how this
bill is important to you personally.
When calling Senator Stewart-Cousins' office, provide the same information
as above, and ask that she allow the bill to come to the floor for a vote.
Again, if you are a blind parent, say so.
We can get this done if we all work on it. Senator Brisport's office number
is 518-455-3451. His email is
brisport at nysenate.gov <mailto:brisport at nysenate.gov>
Senator Stewart-Cousins' phone is 518-455-2715, and her email is
scousins at nysenate.gov <mailto:scousins at nysenate.gov>
Note: her last name is hyphenated, but her email address does not contain a
If you have any questions, please contact any of us. Let's bring an end to
the discrimination that blind parents have faced for far too long.
Legislation Committee
Ray Wayne, Chair
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