[New-York-News] Fwd: [Nfbnet-members-list] Legislative Alert - May 17, 2021

Justin Young jty727 at gmail.com
Wed May 26 20:16:01 UTC 2021

Hi All,

The following message was sent earlier this week from John Pare,
Executive Director of Advocacy & Policy at the National office of the
NFB. The below alert asks us to contact our United States Senators to
urge them to support the below mentioned amendment. Today, another
email was sent to a mailing list for Affiliate Legislative Directors
indicating Senator Thune plans to introduce the mentioned amendment to
the United States Innovation & Competition Act sometime on the floor
tomorrow. So it's important to contact both Senate Majority Leader
Schumer & Senator Gillibrand's office.

The contacts for the respective offices are the following:

Meghan Taira, Senate Majority Leader Schumer's office)
Email: meghan_taira at schumer.senate.gov
Phone: (202) 224-6542

Jessica Hernandez (Senator Gillibrand's office)
Email: jessica_hernandez at gillibrand.senate.gov
Phone: (202) 224-4451

The below is a proposed script for emails/phone calls:

"Hello, my name is [YOUR NAME], and I am a constituent of [SENATOR
NAME]. I live in [CITY, STATE]. I would like to urge [SENATOR NAME] to
support Senator Thune's automated vehicles amendment to the Endless
Frontier Act.  The amendment contains two provisions that would
benefit blind people. The first would create an exemption
classification for manufacturers who provide transportation access for
individuals with disabilities as long as the vehicle was equivalently
safe to a non-exempt vehicle. The second would prohibit a state from
issuing an operator's license for the use of a highly automated
vehicle in a manner that discriminates on the basis of disability.
Together, these two amendments will ensure that blind Americans are
able to reap the rewards of highly automated vehicles.

Thank you for your time"

For emails, please copy into them Jeff Kaloc jkaloc at nfb.org from the
National Government Affairs Team.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Pare, John via NFBNet-Members-List" <nfbnet-members-list at nfbnet.org>
Date: Mon, 17 May 2021 19:24:36 +0000
Subject: [Nfbnet-members-list] Legislative Alert - May 17, 2021
To: "nfbnet-members-list at nfbnet.org" <nfbnet-members-list at nfbnet.org>

Dear Federation Family:

The National Federation of the Blind has been working with Senator
John Thune on an amendment to the Endless Frontier Act. This amendment
relates to fully automated vehicles and contains two provisions that
would benefit blind people.

The first provision would create an exemption classification for
manufacturers who "provide transportation access for individuals with
disabilities (as defined in section 3 of the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12102)), including non-visual
access for individuals who are blind or visually impaired," as long as
the vehicle was equivalently safe to a non-exempt vehicle. The second
would prohibit a state from issuing a "motor vehicle operator's
license for the operation or use of a highly automated vehicle in a
manner that discriminates on the basis of disability."

Despite support from both automobile manufacturers and disability
advocates, Senator Thune reluctantly withdrew his amendment on May 12
due to a lack of support from other senators on the Commerce, Science,
and Transportation Committee over safety and liability concerns.
President Riccobono wrote a letter to Chair Cantwell and Ranking
Member Wicker<https://nfb.org/programs-services/advocacy/policy-statements/letter-chair-cantwell-thune-amendment-endless-frontier-act>
regarding this topic expressing our support and endorsement of the
Thune amendment on May 11.

The Endless Frontier Act has been moved to the Senate floor for debate
this week and Senator Thune plans to bring his amendment forward for a
full Senate vote.

Please contact your senators and ask them to support this important
amendment. When you call or email your senators, you might say
something like:

"Hello, my name is [YOUR NAME], and I am a constituent of [SENATOR
NAME]. I live in [CITY, STATE]. I would like to urge [SENATOR NAME] to
support Senator Thune's automated vehicles amendment to the Endless
Frontier Act.  The amendment contains two provisions that would
benefit blind people. The first would create an exemption
classification for manufacturers who provide transportation access for
individuals with disabilities as long as the vehicle was equivalently
safe to a non-exempt vehicle. The second would prohibit a state from
issuing an operator's license for the use of a highly automated
vehicle in a manner that discriminates on the basis of disability.
Together, these two amendments will ensure that blind Americans are
able to reap the rewards of highly automated vehicles.


You can contact your senators by calling the Capitol Switchboard and
asking for the office in question. The number is 202-224-3121. If you
email your senators, please copy Jeff Kaloc at
jkaloc at nfb.org<mailto:jkaloc at nfb.org>. Your calls and emails do make a

Pasted below are the 87 Senate offices (listed alphabetically by
state) that have a specific staff member dedicated to transportation.
If your senator is not listed, please email Jesa Medders at
jmedders at nfb.org<mailto:jmedders at nfb.org> and she will research
another appropriate staff member to contact.

Scott      Leathard              Sen.       Daniel   Sullivan AK
   scott_leathard at sullivan.senate.gov<mailto:scott_leathard at sullivan.senate.gov>
Anne     McInerney          Sen.       Lisa         Murkowski
AK          anne_mcinerney at murkowski.senate.gov<mailto:anne_mcinerney at murkowski.senate.gov>
Mike      Albares Sen.       Thomas Hawley Tuberville            AL
       michael_albares at tuberville.senate.gov<mailto:michael_albares at tuberville.senate.gov>
Brennan               Johnson               Sen.       Richard Shelby
AL           brennan_johnson at shelby.senate.gov<mailto:brennan_johnson at shelby.senate.gov>
Joe         Brown   Sen.       John      Boozman             AR
  joe_brown at boozman.senate.gov<mailto:joe_brown at boozman.senate.gov>
Vu          Ritchie  Sen.       Thomas Cotton  AR
vu_ritchie at cotton.senate.gov<mailto:vu_ritchie at cotton.senate.gov>
Joe         Russell  Sen.       Mark     Kelly      AZ
joe_russell at kelly.senate.gov<mailto:joe_russell at kelly.senate.gov>
Daniel   Winkler Sen.       Kyrsten Sinema AZ
daniel_winkler at sinema.senate.gov<mailto:daniel_winkler at sinema.senate.gov>
Zac         Commins             Sen.       Alejandro
Padilla   CA
zac_commins at padilla.senate.gov<mailto:zac_commins at padilla.senate.gov>
Rishi       Sahgal   Sen.       Dianne  Feinstein             CA
   rishi_sahgal at feinstein.senate.gov<mailto:rishi_sahgal at feinstein.senate.gov>
Grishma               Pradhan               Sen.       Michael Bennet
CO          grishma_pradhan at bennet.senate.gov<mailto:grishma_pradhan at bennet.senate.gov>
Edgar     Rivas      Sen.       John      Hickenlooper     CO
edgar_rivas at hickenlooper.senate.gov<mailto:edgar_rivas at hickenlooper.senate.gov>
Emma   Cimino  Sen.       Christopher        Murphy CT
emma_cimino at murphy.senate.gov<mailto:emma_cimino at murphy.senate.gov>
Thomas Story     Sen.       Richard Blumenthal         CT
thomas_story at blumenthal.senate.gov<mailto:thomas_story at blumenthal.senate.gov>
David     Brown   Sen.       Christopher        Coons   DE
david_brown at coons.senate.gov<mailto:david_brown at coons.senate.gov>
Collin     Lomagistro          Sen.       Richard Scott      FL
    collin_lomagistro at rickscott.senate.gov<mailto:collin_lomagistro at rickscott.senate.gov>
Mara     Stark-Alcala        Sen.       Raphael                Warnock
mara_stark at warnock.senate.gov<mailto:mara_stark at warnock.senate.gov>
Jed         D'Ercole                Sen.       Mazie    Hirono  HI
       jed_dercole at hirono.senate.gov<mailto:jed_dercole at hirono.senate.gov>
Trey       Reffett Sen.       Brian      Schatz   HI
trey_reffett at schatz.senate.gov<mailto:trey_reffett at schatz.senate.gov>
Sherry   Kuntz    Sen.       Chuck    Grassley               IA
    sherry_kuntz at grassley.senate.gov<mailto:sherry_kuntz at grassley.senate.gov>
Mary Kate           Munro  Sen.       Joni        Ernst      IA
    marykate_munro at ernst.senate.gov<mailto:marykate_munro at ernst.senate.gov>
Charles Adams  Sen.       James   Risch      ID
charles_adams at risch.senate.gov<mailto:charles_adams at risch.senate.gov>
Kristen  Siegele Sen.       Michael Crapo    ID
kristen_siegele at crapo.senate.gov<mailto:kristen_siegele at crapo.senate.gov>
Mark     Copeland             Sen.       Ladda    Duckworth
IL             mark_copeland at duckworth.senate.gov<mailto:mark_copeland at duckworth.senate.gov>
Kevin     Lefeber Sen.       Richard Durbin  IL
kevin_lefeber at durbin.senate.gov<mailto:kevin_lefeber at durbin.senate.gov>
Dan        Cheever               Sen.       Todd      Young   IN
    dan_cheever at young.senate.gov<mailto:dan_cheever at young.senate.gov>
Payne   Griffin   Sen.       Mike      Braun    IN
payne_griffin at braun.senate.gov<mailto:payne_griffin at braun.senate.gov>
Tom       Bush      Sen.       Jerry      Moran  KS
tom_bush at moran.senate.gov<mailto:tom_bush at moran.senate.gov>
Katie      Moore  Sen.       Roger    Marshall               KS
   katie_moore at marshall.senate.gov<mailto:katie_moore at marshall.senate.gov>
John      Maniscalco          Sen.       Randal  Paul       KY
  john_maniscalco at paul.senate.gov<mailto:john_maniscalco at paul.senate.gov>
Amy       Nabozny              Sen.       Addison
McConnell          KY
amy_nabozny at mcconnell.senate.gov<mailto:amy_nabozny at mcconnell.senate.gov>
Bubba   Gesser  Sen.       John      Kennedy              LA
herman_gesser at kennedy.senate.gov<mailto:herman_gesser at kennedy.senate.gov>
Owen    Morgan Sen.       William Cassidy LA
owen_morgan at cassidy.senate.gov<mailto:owen_morgan at cassidy.senate.gov>
Bruno    Freitas  Sen.       Elizabeth              Warren MA
bruno_freitas at warren.senate.gov<mailto:bruno_freitas at warren.senate.gov>
Eric         Kashdan               Sen.       Edward Markey MA
eric_kashdan at markey.senate.gov<mailto:eric_kashdan at markey.senate.gov>
Shannon              Frede    Sen.       Benjamin             Cardin
MD         shannon_frede at cardin.senate.gov<mailto:shannon_frede at cardin.senate.gov>
Deborah              Haynie  Sen.       Christopher        Van Hollen
deborah_haynie at vanhollen.senate.gov<mailto:deborah_haynie at vanhollen.senate.gov>
Cameron             O'Brien Sen.       Susan    Collins   ME
cameron_o'brien at collins.senate.gov
Nathan Paxton  Sen.       Angus   King       ME
nathan_paxton at king.senate.gov<mailto:nathan_paxton at king.senate.gov>
Catherine            Barrett  Sen.       Gary      Peters   MI
 catherine_barrett at peters.senate.gov<mailto:catherine_barrett at peters.senate.gov>
Lot          Kwarteng            Sen.       Deborah
Stabenow           MI
lot_kwarteng at stabenow.senate.gov<mailto:lot_kwarteng at stabenow.senate.gov>
Caroline               Hunsicker            Sen.       Tina
Smith    MN
caroline_hunsicker at smith.senate.gov<mailto:caroline_hunsicker at smith.senate.gov>
April       Jones    Sen.       Amy       Klobuchar            MN
  april_jones at klobuchar.senate.gov<mailto:april_jones at klobuchar.senate.gov>
Andy     Lock       Sen.       Roy        Blunt     MO
andrew_lock at blunt.senate.gov<mailto:andrew_lock at blunt.senate.gov>
Josh       MacGregor         Sen.       Joshua  Hawley MO
joshua_macgregor at hawley.senate.gov<mailto:joshua_macgregor at hawley.senate.gov>
Chloe    Cantor  Sen.       Roger    Wicker  MS
chloe_cantor at wicker.senate.gov<mailto:chloe_cantor at wicker.senate.gov>
Shane   Waller   Sen.       Cindy     Hyde-Smith        MS
shane_waller at hydesmith.senate.gov<mailto:shane_waller at hydesmith.senate.gov>
Corey    Sellers   Sen.       Steven  Daines  MT
corey_sellers at daines.senate.gov<mailto:corey_sellers at daines.senate.gov>
Sam       Lupas    Sen.       Thomas Tillis        NC
sam_lupas at tillis.senate.gov<mailto:sam_lupas at tillis.senate.gov>
John      McDonald           Sen.       Richard Burr       NC
john_mcdonald at burr.senate.gov<mailto:john_mcdonald at burr.senate.gov>
Micah    Chambers           Sen.       Kevin     Cramer ND
micah_chambers at cramer.senate.gov<mailto:micah_chambers at cramer.senate.gov>
Tyler      Hardy    Sen.       John      Hoeven ND
tyler_hardy at hoeven.senate.gov<mailto:tyler_hardy at hoeven.senate.gov>
Katherine            Duveneck            Sen.       Benjamin
  Sasse     NE
katherine_duveneck at sasse.senate.gov<mailto:katherine_duveneck at sasse.senate.gov>
Paul       Wasik    Sen.       Debra    Fischer  NE
paul_wasik at fischer.senate.gov<mailto:paul_wasik at fischer.senate.gov>
Nick       Malatesta            Sen.       Margaret             Hassan
 NH          nicholas_malatesta at hassan.senate.gov<mailto:nicholas_malatesta at hassan.senate.gov>
Josh       Sanders Sen.       Robert  Menendez          NJ
josh_sanders at menendez.senate.gov<mailto:josh_sanders at menendez.senate.gov>
Matt      Thomson             Sen.       Cory       Booker NJ
 matt_thomson at booker.senate.gov<mailto:matt_thomson at booker.senate.gov>
Jared     Henderson         Sen.       Ben Ray                Lujan
 NM        jared_henderson at lujan.senate.gov<mailto:jared_henderson at lujan.senate.gov>
Dominic                Saavedra             Sen.       Martin
Heinrich               NM
dominic_saavedra at heinrich.senate.gov<mailto:dominic_saavedra at heinrich.senate.gov>
Alex       De Bianchi           Sen.       Jacky     Rosen   NV
  alexandrine_debianchi at rosen.senate.gov<mailto:alexandrine_debianchi at rosen.senate.gov>
Trevor   Dean     Sen.       Catherine            Cortez Masto     NV
        trevor_dean at cortezmasto.senate.gov<mailto:trevor_dean at cortezmasto.senate.gov>
Jessica  Hernandez          Sen.       Kirsten  Gillibrand
NY          jessica_hernandez at gillibrand.senate.gov<mailto:jessica_hernandez at gillibrand.senate.gov>
Leah      Hill          Sen.       Sherrod Brown   OH
leah_hill at brown.senate.gov<mailto:leah_hill at brown.senate.gov>
Avery    Pierson Sen.       Robert  Portman              OH
avery_pierson at portman.senate.gov<mailto:avery_pierson at portman.senate.gov>
Victor    Sarmiento           Sen.       James   Inhofe  OK
victor_sarmiento at inhofe.senate.gov<mailto:victor_sarmiento at inhofe.senate.gov>
Amy       Vanderveer        Sen.       James   Lankford
OK          amy_vanderveer at lankford.senate.gov<mailto:amy_vanderveer at lankford.senate.gov>
Richard Parker   Sen.       Jeffrey  Merkley               OR
richard_parker at merkley.senate.gov<mailto:richard_parker at merkley.senate.gov>
Sara-Paige           Silvestro               Sen.       Robert  Casey
  PA          sara-paige_silvestro at casey.senate.gov<mailto:sara-paige_silvestro at casey.senate.gov>
Steve    Keenan Sen.       John      Reed     RI
steve_keenan at reed.senate.gov<mailto:steve_keenan at reed.senate.gov>
Meghan               Dorn      Sen.       Lindsey Graham SC
meghan_dorn at lgraham.senate.gov<mailto:meghan_dorn at lgraham.senate.gov>
Chance Costello                Sen.       John      Thune   SD
  chance_costello at thune.senate.gov<mailto:chance_costello at thune.senate.gov>
Andrew Hogin    Sen.       William Hagerty TN
andrew_hogin at hagerty.senate.gov<mailto:andrew_hogin at hagerty.senate.gov>
Jonathan             Iwaskiw Sen.       Rafael   Cruz       TX
  jonathan_iwaskiw at cruz.senate.gov<mailto:jonathan_iwaskiw at cruz.senate.gov>
Jacob     Smith    Sen.       John      Cornyn TX
jacob_smith at cornyn.senate.gov<mailto:jacob_smith at cornyn.senate.gov>
Alex       Vargo    Sen.       Willard  Romney               UT
  alex_vargo at romney.senate.gov<mailto:alex_vargo at romney.senate.gov>
Joel        Wellum Sen.       Michael Lee         UT
joel_wellum at lee.senate.gov<mailto:joel_wellum at lee.senate.gov>
Stephanie           Doherty               Sen.       Mark     Warner
VA          stephanie_doherty at warner.senate.gov<mailto:stephanie_doherty at warner.senate.gov>
Evan      McWalters          Sen.       Timothy               Kaine
 VA          evan_mcwalters at kaine.senate.gov<mailto:evan_mcwalters at kaine.senate.gov>
Jeff        Van Oot                Sen.       Patrick  Leahy    VT
      jeff_van_oot at leahy.senate.gov<mailto:jeff_van_oot at leahy.senate.gov>
Zach       Mallove                Sen.       Patricia Murray WA
 zach_mallove at murray.senate.gov<mailto:zach_mallove at murray.senate.gov>
David     Marten Sen.       Maria    Cantwell              WA
david_marten at cantwell.senate.gov<mailto:david_marten at cantwell.senate.gov>
Annie    Chestnut             Sen.       Ronald  Johnson
WI          annie_chestnut at ronjohnson.senate.gov<mailto:annie_chestnut at ronjohnson.senate.gov>
Meghan               Ladwig  Sen.       Tammy Baldwin WI
meghan_ladwig at baldwin.senate.gov<mailto:meghan_ladwig at baldwin.senate.gov>
Brendan               Dailey    Sen.       Shelley Capito   WV
brendan_dailey at capito.senate.gov<mailto:brendan_dailey at capito.senate.gov>
Seth       Gainer  Sen.       Joseph  Manchin              WV
seth_gainer at manchin.senate.gov<mailto:seth_gainer at manchin.senate.gov>
Holt        Edwards               Sen.       Cynthia Lummis WY
holt_edwards at lummis.senate.gov<mailto:holt_edwards at lummis.senate.gov>
Charles Ziegler  Sen.       John      Barrasso               WY
 charles_ziegler at barrasso.senate.gov<mailto:charles_ziegler at barrasso.senate.gov>

Warm regards,

John G. Paré Jr.
Executive Director for Advocacy and Policy
National Federation of the Blind


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