[New-York-News] FW: comment on assistive technology training for school-aged students

rybodek at gmail.com rybodek at gmail.com
Mon Oct 4 16:01:42 UTC 2021

Hi all,

See my comment below. if anyone has anything to add, you can e-mail Abigail
as well. Let's make our voices and our kids' needs heard!

Have a great day!


From: rybodek at gmail.com <rybodek at gmail.com> 
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2021 5:15 PM
To: abigail.mason at ocfs.ny.gov
Subject: FW: comment on assistive technology training for school-aged


Hi Abigail,

Thank you again for the call today and for all the great services the
Commission provides.

I want to reiterate the issue we discussed about the deficiency in students'
assistive technology training. As I had mentioned, TVI's receive limited
training on assistive technology and are mostly focused on getting students
to complete their assignments. As most of your counselors can attest, many
students graduate high school with insufficient technology skills for
college, work, or even daily living.

Therefore, I suggest that assistive technology training become a service
students are entitled to during transition. Alternatively, I recommend  that
the Commission work closely with the Education department to emphasize the
importance of assistive technology as part of the Expanded Core Curriculum
and the importance of adding assistive tech training as an IEP service by
individuals with the proper certification (i.e. CATIS) or skill (perhaps
visually impaired adults who are well-versed in this area).

Thank you again for this opportunity,

Rachel Bodek

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