[New-York-News] Please Share Our Subscribeable Calendar Link Including All Convention Events

Heather Bird heather.l.bird at gmail.com
Mon Oct 18 21:04:21 UTC 2021


Please disseminate this far and wide, as it is not only a great year-round
resource for affiliate events, but it also has all of our agenda activities
for our 65th Annual New York State Convention all in one place.

Have you ever missed a meeting of our Diversity and Inclusion Group, on a
topic you were all fired up and excited to discuss? Have you ever missed
your local chapter meeting because you just totally forgot when it was?
Have you ever missed out on a NYPBC Seminar you were interested in
attending because you forgot to add it to your calendar? Have you ever come
in super late to a General Session because life happened, and it took you
forever to track down the agenda online or in your email, find the correct
day, and event, and then the zoom information? Well, have no fear, the
NFBNYS subscribable calendar is here. This calendar is maintained by the
NFB of NYS and contains all of the group, division, and chapter meetings,
plus affiliate board meetings, from now, up through the end of 2022. It
also includes the dates, times, and zoom information for all of our
convention activities going on this week, from Blind Seniors, to NYAGDU,
from General Session to the Business Meeting, from the Hospitality nights
to the banquet itself, they are all in one place, waiting for you. All you
need to do is open this email on your smart phone, and tap on the link,
then confirm, when prompted, that you would in fact, like to subscribe to
the calendar. This can also be done on a PC, but is slightly more
complicated. Not a member of the NYS Affiliate? No problem. You can
subscribe to the calendar and after convention, you can unsubscribe. Only
interested in some of the events in 2022? No problem. You can simply delete
the events you do not want, and they will disappear for you, but will
remain on everyone else’s calendars, so you can customize what you want and
avoid calendar clutter. Last, but not least is the fact that life happens.
Sometimes, chapter meetings get canceled, group meetings get shifted a week
later, or board meetings get moved up by an hour, etc. If you are
subscribed to the calendar, then one of our calendar admins can edit the
calendar, as needed, and your events will update without you having to do a
thing. So, if you miss an email announcing a change, you will still have
up-to-date information, a few taps, or a Siri inquiry away. Please feel
free to share this with anyone you know who might be interested in any of
the work of the Affiliate or any of its component divisions, groups, or

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