[New-York-News] Your Commission for the Blind, an interactive guide for parents and educators

maurakut at buffalo.edu maurakut at buffalo.edu
Fri Apr 1 14:00:23 UTC 2022

Hello from the New York Parents of Blind Children:


See below for details on an upcoming event.  And please share the
information with anyone whom you think may benefit. Zoom link is included at
the bottom.



Your Commission for the Blind, An Interactive Guide for Parents and

Presented by The New York Parents of Blind Children

(A division of the National Federation of the Blind)

This two-part workshop will introduce parents and educators to the
vocational rehab system. Participants will hear from experienced New York
State Commission for the Blind (NYSCB) staff.  There will be opportunities
to ask about how best to access services; and the series will highlight
essential aspects of supporting our blind children as they move through
school and into the working world.


Session 1: April 10 7pm

The How, why, and when of establishing a relationship with The New York
State Commission for the Blind

Please join us for this interactive event. General questions about working
with the New York State Commission for the Blind are welcome!  NYSCB
presenters will cover a range of topics including:

*         How and when should we begin our child's relationship with NYSCB?

*         How do I know if my child is eligible?

*         What are the different types of funding and how can my child
benefit from them?

*         How should I work with the Children's Consultants?

*         And more!


Please write or call NYPBC president Maura Kutnyak with questions:
<mailto:maurakut at buffalo.edu> maurakut at buffalo.edu 

716-563-9882Zoom Info:

Time: Apr 10, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 974 8371 3180

Passcode: 081173

One tap mobile

+16465588656,,97483713180#,,,,*081173# US (New York)

+13017158592,,97483713180#,,,,*081173# US (Washington DC)



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