[New-York-News] NaviLens Pilot on the M23 Bus Line (along 23rd St): Feedback requested

Chancey Fleet chanceyfleet at nypl.org
Fri Apr 8 01:35:21 UTC 2022

Hey folks (especially New Yorkers),
Mira from MTA would like everyone to know that the NaviLens app is being
piloted on the M23 line (crosstown along 23rd St). When you use the app,
your camera will find a large QR code as you approach, 20 or more feet from
a bus stop. The app will then guide you precisely to the stop itself, and
you'll also get info about when buses will be arriving.
As with all pilots, the success of this one depends on feedback from real
people about whether the system works well and is useful. If you'd like to
test the app, just download NaviLens from the App Store and go try it. Mira
is copied on this message and is happy to answer questions and arrange
Here's the Google Form if you have time to provide feedback after trying it
NaviLens MTA NYCT M23 SBS Feedback (google.com)
Thanks for reading!

Chancey S. Fleet
Assistive Technology Coordinator
Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library
(212) 621-0627
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