[New-York-News] Coming up Saturday: Braille Group, Voiceover Chats,

Chancey Fleet chanceyfleet at nypl.org
Fri Feb 4 18:02:50 UTC 2022

Hello again,
It's still cold, still rainy, still a great time to curl up with your
favorite hot beverage and tune in to strategizing and solidarity for your
Braille and tech goals. These Saturday groups are discussion-based and
informal: come whenever you like and bring your questions and discoveries.
Feel free to share with friends and colleagues who might want to join.

Braille Study Group
Saturdays year-round, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Eastern
We welcome learners at all levels, whether you're Blind, sighted or
somewhere in between. Find out about independent study options, get answers
on contractions and transcription rules, share ideas for using Braille in
daily life, and chat about your favorite Braille supplies.
Meeting ID: 818 2497 2219
Passcode: AH4020
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,81824972219# US (New York)--

Voiceover Chat for iPhone Beginners
Saturdays in February, 1:00 - 2:15 PM Eastern
Talk about Voiceover gestures, study tips, built-in apps, troubleshooting,
graduating from Siri to exploring screens on your own ... this group will
help you problem-solve as you start your Voiceover journey. (We also
welcome more seasoned users who would like to share tips for success!).
Meeting ID: 892 5124 7778
Passcode: HzR9p4
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,89251247778# US (New York)

iPhone Chat for Voiceover Intermediate Users
Saturdays in February, 2:30 - 4:00 PM Eastern
Chat about apps that fit your lifestyle, helpful accessories, dealing with
complicated screens, customizing gestures, understanding lesser-known
settings ... there's so much to explore!
Meeting ID: 874 7810 2159
Passcode: 956jj0
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,87478102159# US (New York)
Chancey S. Fleet
Assistive Technology Coordinator
Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library
(212) 621-0627
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