[New-York-News] IMPORTANT Blind Seniors Funding Call To Action

president at nfbny.org president at nfbny.org
Mon Mar 28 13:24:36 UTC 2022

Please see the below call to action, Your immediate action is necessary to
secure services for blind seniors.


Mike Robinson, President

National Federation of the Blind of New York State, Inc




Hi All:


We have a real chance to secure our request for increased funding for
non-vocational rehabilitation services for blind seniors! But we all need to
ask quickly!

Senator Diane Savino of Brooklyn has requested an additional $5 million in
funding to the New York State Commission for the Blind (Commission) per year
exclusively for such services. We got a great deal of support for this
request during our virtual Albany Seminar.  However, it is ultimately up to
the Assembly Speaker, the Majority Leader of the Senate, and the Governor to
determine what goes into New York State's budget for this year. 

This process has to be completed by Friday of this coming week, April 1. The
more support we get from other assembly members and senators, the better
chance we have of getting this done.

This is where everyone can help! Please write or call your assembly member
and senator by Wednesday, March 30, and urge them to support Senator
Savino's request for an additional $5 million to the Commission specifically
for non-vocational rehabilitation services to blind seniors. 

When you call or write, indicate your name, where you live, and that you are
a constituent. Explain that you are asking them to support Senator Savino's
request for an additional $5 million to the Commission for non-vocational
rehabilitation services for blind seniors.

You might indicate that as more seniors are losing vision, they need
training in cane travel, Braille, cooking, and managing their finances in
order to stay independent in their communities. This funding would result in
a cost savings to the state because it would keep many seniors out of
nursing homes who do not need to be there.

If you are a senior losing vision, or know or work with any such person,
please indicate that, and give examples of how this funding would help you
or your loved one, student, or client. You may be asked if there is a bill
number regarding this issue. There is not; it is a budget request. 

You can find your assembly representative or senator on the Assembly's and
Senator's respective websites. If you do not have access to the Internet,
you can call your local board of elections or the New York State Board of
Elections. The phone number for the New York State Board of Elections is

Your phone calls and letters last year helped get our Blind Persons' Right
to Parent legislation passed and signed into law. We can do it again for
blind seniors!

If you email, please copy me at

Raywayne1959 at gmail.com <mailto:Raywayne1959 at gmail.com> 

If you have any questions, you may email me or any member of the legislation
committee, or call me at 718-491-0053. 

Thank you all!

Ray Wayne


Legislation Committee

National Federation of the Blind of New York State, Inc.




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