[New-York-News] FW: NFB Diabetic group meeting

Margo Downey margo.downey at roadrunner.com
Sun Nov 6 20:09:26 UTC 2022



From: Rocky Simms [mailto:rsimms at visionsvcb.org] 
Sent: Sunday, November 06, 2022 3:05 PM
To: C J Gem
Cc: Mindy Jacobson; ajacobs633 at aol.com; Jackeline Chavez; mimi1457ss at aol.ccom; jpil1957 at gmail.com; margo.downey at roadrunner.com; rashetabunting at gmail.com; yardyman41 at yahoo.com; ygt1021 at gmail.com; rahmed456 at gmail.com; askyas20 at gmail.com; chrisminkler at gmail.com; wendyurena_2005 at yahoo.com; pamela.brown9693 at gmail.com; Stfoxworth at yahoo.com; cromitie45 at gmail.com; danielleshaw55 at gmail.com
Subject: NFB Diabetic group meeting




If you or a loved one  is diabetic or  interested in diabetes. You are invited to the NYS Diabetic Group. Where diabetic issues are discuss. Join us to welcome  our special guest. Where she will be discussing her journey of being a kidney donor.  


When: Tuesday November 8, 2022

Time: 7 PM Est. 
Where Zoom 


Rasheta Bunting: One Heart One Vision She/Her is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Topic: Nys diabetes group

Time: Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting




Meeting ID: 823 4679 8518

One tap mobile

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Meeting ID: 823 4679 8518

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kd3cj1QF8q







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