[New-York-News] Coming up Sunday: Intro to Mastodon

Chancey Fleet chanceyfleet at nypl.org
Fri Nov 18 04:36:06 UTC 2022

Intro to Mastodon with Accessibility in Mind
Sunday November 20, 4 PM Eastern
Folks are flocking to this de-centralized social media platform, but it
brings a lot of new concepts into play. Join us for a run-down of the
basics, and bring your questions!
Note: This workshop welcomes everyone, but is curated to be inclusive of
people who use assistive technology.
What we'll cover:
How is Mastodon different from Twitter?
What is an instance and how do you choose one?
What are home, local and federated timelines?
How do you connect with people on other instances?
Toots, boosts and favs: what do they mean?
What about moderation and security?
How to find your friends on Mastodon
Discussion and recommended reading
Chancey S. Fleet
Assistive Technology Coordinator
Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library
(212) 621-0627
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