[New-York-News] New York Parents of Blind Children 2022 Convention Seminar!

maurakut at buffalo.edu maurakut at buffalo.edu
Wed Oct 5 12:25:27 UTC 2022

Blind Swag in the Arts!

Presented by the New York Parents of Blind Children

The New York Parents of Blind Children is proud to announce our 2022
Convention seminar! Please join us on Wednesday, October 19th for this
virtual event. As always, our program will provide creative learning
opportunities aimed at affirming the reality that our blind children can
realize their dreams; and that as parents and educators we must set high
expectations for their success. Our presenters will explore aspects of
working, learning, and thriving as a blind artist.


This action-packed seminar, will also include our annual business meeting
where members can participate in elections, and receive important updates
about our division. Read on for the details and for the Zoom information!



Wednesday October 19th, 6pm-9pm


To attend use this link:



Or join by one tap mobile:

6465588656,,91510018058#,,,,*334842# US (New York)


Selecting High Quality Arts Education for Blind Youth 

Presented by Krishna Washburn of Dark Room Ballet!



There is a preponderance of arts enrichment available for young people, both
programs marketed specifically to blind and visually impaired youngsters and
programs that claim to be accessible to students of all sight levels. Learn
how to discern which programs are high quality, anti-ableist, and worth your
family's investment, how to advocate for your child when programs leave
something to be desired, and what sorts of resources are available to
support arts educators working with blind and visually impaired youth. This
seminar includes time for discussion about specific programs and general
question and answer time. Also, experience a demonstration of movement
education that is designed specifically for the educational needs of blind
and visually impaired people and which de-centers sight. Seminar is taught
by Krishna Washburn of Dark Room Ballet.


You won't want to miss the Panel Discussion we have planned, beginning at


The panel will feature Blind Professional Artists including 

.Katelyn McEntire, President of the National Federation of the Blind
Performing Arts Division.

Katelyn is a multitalented artist. Her focus is music, complimented by
competitive ball-room dancing.


., Derick Lane, a sound engineer.

Some might say that sounds are the most blind-friendly pictures. Derick has
attained a high-level of expertise and will share some of his experience
with us. 



.Linda Lazzaro, who is a classically trained singer and dreamer, will
discuss the use of Braille as an essential tool in her career.


It's 8:00, let's get down to business:


The final hour of our seminar will be the annual business meeting, during
which  you will hear updates from the board on what we have been up to;
learn about plans for the year to come; and members will take part in
elections. Don't miss it, Democracy calls! 


For more information contact Maura Kutnyak, President:

Phone: (716) 563-9882

Email: maurakut at buffalo.edu <mailto:maurakut at buffalo.edu> 




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