[New-York-News] NYAGDU 2022 seminar and business meeting
Heather Bird
heather.l.bird at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 00:21:36 UTC 2022
Please come and join us next Sunday, October 16, for our 2022 seminar and
business meeting.
The New York Association Of Guide Dog Users will be presenting a seminar,
virtually, at the National Federation Of The Blind of New York State's
Annual Convention. This year, the convention will be presented in a hybrid
format. As such, many of its groups and divisions, including the New York
Association Of Guide Dog Users will be holding its seminar using the Zoom
platform. The seminar will take place from 6 PM until 8 PM, followed by our
business meeting from 8 PM until 9 PM, Eastern Standard Time.
Let’s get ready to engage in some myth busting, Guide Dog Edition. We will
be exploring a range of topics, from the ludicrous and therefore humorous,
to the informative and educational, through the lens of common
misconceptions, misunderstandings, and myths that have sprung up
surrounding guide and service dogs and their handlers.
The seminar will be presented in an interactive format, and will be
informative not only to first time and prospective guide dog handlers, but
will provide useful information to seasoned guide dog handlers, plus, an
opportunity to engage in discussion.
So, please join us on Zoom, and bring along a few myths of your own. If we
don’t address them in our main presentation, you can bring them up at the
end for general discussion. Yes, there will be door prizes, and yes, some
of them may be T-shirts, and some of them may be other fun items. Please
feel free to stay with us after the seminar for our business meeting, where
we will discuss the launch of our People+Paws+Pages Guide Dog book club
with it’s first selection in November, the upcoming reprint of last year‘s
T-shirts, upon popular request, and various other projects and endeavors.
Topic: NYAGDU Seminar and Business Meeting
Time: Oct 16, 2022 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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