[New-York-News] Cross Sound Hockey

NY Metro Staff ted at nymbh.org
Fri Feb 24 21:27:45 UTC 2023

Join us in Bridgeport!

To all supporters past and present

On Saturday, March 4th we will be having our Cross Sound Hockey night. Members from Blind Hockey teams from across the northeast will meet at the Total Mortgage Arena in Bridgeport, CT and have a Blind Hockey exhibition game. Our game will be from 3:30 - 5:00 PM.

Our players will also be staying after to enjoy the Bridgeport Islanders take on the Hartford Wolfpack. Tickets can be purchased at this link (https://nymbh.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7f9c53f65bbce63b759737010&id=a53c02aa34&e=79c2e2ee4b) .
(See attached flyer)

You will not need a ticket to watch our game but will need one to watch the AHL game afterwards. The rink is in walking distance to the Port Jefferson Ferry and mass transit.

Other upcoming events:

February 26th - skate in Newburgh NY. Point of contact is Kevin Shanley. Here is his email: ktshanley at gmail.com (mailto:ktshanley at gmail.com?subject=February%2026%20skate&body=I%20want%20to%20know%20more%20about%20the%20february%20skate!)

March 4 - Cross Sound Game - Bridgeport Ct.
March 23-26 - Canadian Blind Hockey - Toronto
March 30 - April 2 - St Louis Disabled Festival - Info link (https://nymbh.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7f9c53f65bbce63b759737010&id=d03a1f30b7&e=79c2e2ee4b)

June 1-4 - Hendrickson Hockey Festival, Minnesota  - Info link (https://nymbh.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7f9c53f65bbce63b759737010&id=b4ec920450&e=79c2e2ee4b)

July - Minnesota. details to follow


New York Metro Blind Hockey

a 501 (c)(3) organization

Our mailing address is:

25 Route 111, P.O. Box 370, Smithtown, N.Y. 11787

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