[New-York-News] David Stayer memoir

Rachel Bodek rybodek at gmail.com
Mon May 1 01:26:45 UTC 2023

Hi all, as we discussed on our diversity call today, please see the end of the message below about David 's daughter collecting stories for a book about her father.

This  message  was  sent  with  my  mobile  phone,  please  disregard  any  typos  or  grammatical  errors.  Thanks,  Rachel

Begin forwarded message:

From: Miriam Peromsik via NFBJ <nfbj at nfbnet.org>
Date: April 4, 2023 at 10:49:58 AM EDT
To: NFB in Judaism <nfbj at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Miriam Peromsik <heavenwarddesigns at gmail.com>
Subject: [NFBJ] Pesach
Reply-To: NFB in Judaism <nfbj at nfbnet.org>


I just wanted to wish everyone a Chag Kasher v'Sameach, and apologize that I let Pesach sneak up on me. 

I have 3 or 4 hagaddahs I promised to people and I meant to send them months ago, but I think I've run out of time to get them to people before the holiday begins.

G-d willing, I will follow up after Pesach, see who still wants them, and ship them out while I still remember!! 

Note: I did not wind up finding as many NCSY benschers as I anticipated, but they can also be ordered from Computer Services for the Blind, aka CSB Cares, https://www.computersciences.org/

Separately, I am collecting stories about my father, David Stayer, for a memoir my sister and I are writing. I will accept both polished stories and freeform memories that I can then edit. After Pesach is fine, and I'll ask again then.

Have a wonderful Chag,
Miriam (Stayer) Peromsik 
-- http://www.heavenwarddesigns.com
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