[New-York-News] State Convention Door Prizes

Margo Downey margo.downey at roadrunner.com
Tue Oct 31 18:57:34 UTC 2023

Hi, everyone. 


We have ten door prizes so far but we can surely use more. 


Your door prizes should be small. Most this year are gift cards. 


Please let me know the door prizes you or your chapter or group are bringing
to Convention by November 30. This allows time to make Braille labels for
most or all of them. If you can make your own Braille labels for door prizes
you are bringing to Convention, that's fine. Otherwise, we'll make Braille


Thanks for donating door prizes. Chris Minkler, Jim Jonas and I look forward
to being with you at convention either in person or virtually.


My email address is


Margo.downey at roadrunner.com 


Margo Downey she, her, hers


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