[New-York-News] Are you interested in accessible voting?

Bernice Bird bernice.j.bird at gmail.com
Tue Feb 27 12:56:00 UTC 2024

Charlie Kinnune will speak to us tonight at 7:00 about Democracy Live's
accessible voting technology. He will have a demonstration of the accessible
absentee voting technology his company has developed and is used in some
states. This is an issue we are fighting for in New York State currently
through the work of our legislative committee and our Albany Seminar.
Learning about successes in other states can assist us in advocating for
truly accessible independent expression of our voting rights as American

Democracy Live was a generous sponsor of our state convention last December,
so, please log onto Zoom for approximately an hour tonight, February 27 at
7:00. Please bring fellow NFB members, friends, and family that wish to
express their wishes through voting in our democracy. 


Jim Jonas on behalf of NFB of New York State Inc. is inviting you to a
scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Democracy Live and accessible voting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 416 814 8519
Passcode: 92645


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Meeting ID: 416 814 8519
Passcode: 92645

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/keWStiEpA


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