[Nfb-announce] Fwd: Florida State University Resolves Litigation with Students
David Andrews
dandrews at visi.com
Wed Mar 7 05:32:06 UTC 2012
>Chris Danielsen
>Director of Public Relations
>National Federation of the Blind
>(410) 659-9314, extension 2330
>(410) 262-1281 (Cell)
><mailto:cdanielsen at nfb.org>cdanielsen at nfb.org
>Jeffery Seay
>University Communications
>Florida State University
>(850) 644-0277
>jseay at admin.fsu.edu
>Florida State University Resolves Litigation with Students
>National Federation of the Blind Praises Comprehensive Settlement Agreement
>Tallahassee, Florida (March 6, 2012): Florida
>State University and two students who are
>blindChristopher Shane Toth and Jamie Ann
>Principatohave resolved a
>brought by the two students with the assistance
>of the <http://www.nfb.org/>National Federation of the Blind last summer.
>The students claimed that they experienced
>discrimination in violation of state and federal
>disability laws, including failure to reasonably
>accommodate their disability and lack of
>accessible technology. As a result, they
>claimed, they were unable to complete courses
>related to their academic majors.
>Without admitting liability or wrongdoing, the
>university has agreed to pay each of the
>students $75,000 in settlement of their claims
>and to continue its efforts to make courses
>accessible to all students. Specifically, the
>university will examine technology-based
>instructional materials currently in use for
>accessibility compliance, and ensure
>accessibility in future software and hardware procurements.
>“We are extremely pleased with this settlement
>agreement, which will benefit all current and
>future blind students at Florida State,” said
>Dr. Marc Maurer, president of the National
>Federation of the Blind. “We commend the
>university for showing leadership and commitment
>to treating students with disabilities equally
>and hope that other institutions of higher
>learning will follow the example set by Florida State.”
>“I am greatly relieved and pleased that this
>litigation has been resolved and look forward to
>continuing my academic career at Florida State
>on an equal basis with my sighted peers,” Principato said.
>“We are committed to the success of all of our
>students, including those with disabilities,”
>said Garnett S. Stokes, provost and executive
>vice president for academic affairs at Florida
>State. “We will continue our efforts to make
>our institution a welcoming and rewarding
>environment for students with disabilities.”
>The plaintiffs are represented in this matter by
>Daniel F. Goldstein, Sharon Krevor-Weisbaum, and
>Brooke E. Lierman of the Baltimore firm Brown,
>Goldstein, and Levy; and Matthew Dietz of the
>Miami firm Law Offices of Matthew W. Dietz, P.L.
>About the National Federation of the Blind
>With more than 50,000 members, the National
>Federation of the Blind is the largest and most
>influential membership organization of blind
>people in the United States. The NFB improves
>blind people’s lives through advocacy,
>education, research, technology, and programs
>encouraging independence and self-confidence. It
>is the leading force in the blindness field
>today and the voice of the nation's blind. In
>January 2004 the NFB opened the National
>Federation of the Blind Jernigan Institute, the
>first research and training center in the United
>States for the blind led by the blind.
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