[Nfb-announce] Fwd: [BANA-Announce] BANA Welcomes New Members and Representatives
David Andrews
dandrews at visi.com
Fri Sep 20 01:32:07 UTC 2013
>Press Release
>September 2013
>For Immediate Release
>CONTACT: Frances Mary DAndrea, Chair
>Braille Authority of North America
>Phone: 412-521-5797
>Email: <mailto:literacy2 at mindspring.com>literacy2 at mindspring.com
>BANA Welcomes Two New Member Organizations
>and Four New Board Members
>The Braille Authority of North America (BANA) is
>pleased to announce that two additional
>organizationsCOSB (Council of Schools and
>Services for the Blind) and the Hadley School
>for the Blindhave become full members of BANA.
>In the months before BANAs April Board meeting,
>these two prestigious organizations submitted
>their applications for membership in BANA. After
>reviewing the extensive applications, the BANA
>Board approved full membership for both COSB and
>Hadley and welcomed them into the organization.
>These two new member organizations have named
>their representatives Dr. Stuart Wittenstein,
>Superintendent of the California School for the
>Blind, now serves as the BANA representative
>from COSB, and Ruth Rozen, who designs and
>writes many of Hadleys courses, represents the Hadley School for the Blind.
>Two other new Board members were recently named
>by their respective organizations. Diane Spence
>of Houston, Texas, replaces Cindi Laurent as the
>representative from the National Braille
>Association, and Jeff Baugher assumes the role
>of representative from ATPC (Alternate Text
>Production Center of the California Community
>Colleges) following the retirement of Sandy
>Greenberg, who had served as their
>representative. BANA looks forward to working
>with all four new Board members as they
>participate in their first Board meeting this fall.
>BANA meets face-to-face semiannually and will
>hold its fall meeting on November 810, 2013, in
>Louisville, KY. This meeting will be hosted by
>the American Printing House for the Blind (APH),
>a BANA member organization. More information
>about the fall Board meeting will be distributed in the next few weeks.
>NOTE: This press release is available in HTML on
>the BANA website at
>For additional resource information, visit
>The Board of BANA consists of appointed
>representatives from seventeen member
>organizations of braille producers, transcribers, teachers, and consumers.
>The mission of the Braille Authority of North
>America is to assure literacy for tactile
>readers through the standardization of braille and/or tactile graphics.
>The purpose of BANA is to promote and to
>facilitate the uses, teaching, and production of
>braille. Pursuant to this purpose, BANA will
>promulgate rules, make interpretations, and
>render opinions pertaining to braille codes and
>guidelines for the provisions of literary and
>technical materials and related forms and
>formats of embossed materials now in existence
>or to be developed in the future for the use of
>blind persons in North America. When
>appropriate, BANA shall accomplish these
>activities in international collaboration with
>countries using English braille. In exercising
>its function and authority, BANA shall consider
>the effects of its decisions on other existing
>braille codes and guidelines, forms and formats;
>ease of production by various methods; and acceptability to readers.
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