[NFB-Announce] Wag-A-Thon

dandrews920 at comcast.net dandrews920 at comcast.net
Tue Oct 3 17:12:21 UTC 2023

Hi everyone!

Join CAGDU's Wag-A-Thon for a chance to win a $100, $75, or $50 prize!
It costs $20 to enter. Decide whether you want to enter as a walker or
runner. Track your steps during the month of October and submit your steps
by the deadline. To enter, sign up on the form at the following
link: https://ulwxastpyh.formstack.com/forms/wag_a_thon. If you need help
filling out the form, contact Tiffany Manosh at tmanosh at gmail.com.

If you need help filling out the form please feel free to contact Tiffany
Manosh @ tmanosh at gmail.com

Have a great day,
Thank you,
Tiffany Manosh
NFBC Treasurer
NFBC Diabetes Action Network Treasurer
President River City Chapter
National Federation of the Blind of California

Tiffany Manosh
NFBC Treasurer
NFBC Diabetes Action Network Treasurer
President River City Chapter
National Federation of the Blind of California

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