[NFB-Announce] Announcement of the Passing of Assistive Technology Pioneer David Holladay From Duxbury Systems: In Loving Memory of Our Dear Friend and Colleague

David Andrews dandrews920 at comcast.net
Sat Feb 17 13:51:20 UTC 2024

>Dear Duxbury Community,
>This week brings sad news for our Duxbury 
>Systems family. Our colleague, David Holladay, 
>passed away in a hospital on Thursday, February 
>15th, following an accident at home that 
>morning. David was a cancer survivor and 
>valiantly battled multiple medical problems over his last five years.
>David was an early innovator in braille 
>software. Together, he and his wife, Caryn Navy, 
>founded Raised Dot Computing (later Braille 
>Planet) in 1981. David’s early work on Apple 
>II computers was groundbreaking in support of 
>accessibility for blind users through speech and 
>production of braille and of print from braille 
>input. He went on to support production of print 
>math from Nemeth Code mathematics braille. Later 
>work at Raised Dot Computing culminated in the 
>introduction of MegaDots, an innovative product 
>with unparalleled support for braille formats.
>David and Caryn joined Duxbury Systems in 1999 
>and have been part of the family ever since. 
>David’s work at Duxbury focused largely on 
>extending the reach of DBT to many, many 
>countries and languages around the world. Though 
>confined to bed over the last several years of 
>his life, David’s passion for braille 
>wouldn’t allow him to rest. He was working until his very last day.
>It is our belief that the larger braille world 
>will miss David as much as we do here at Duxbury.
>David's funeral will be at Congregation Shalom 
>in Chelmsford Massachusetts at noon Eastern 
>Standard Time on Monday, with burial at 1 PM at Beth El Cemetery in Chelmsford.
>We'll post a link for live streaming the service when we receive it.

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