[Nfb-arkansas] Fwd: National Federation of the Blind Urges Congress to Reject Commercializing Rest Stops

tosheeler at cox.net tosheeler at cox.net
Wed Feb 15 20:47:49 UTC 2012

> From: "Freeh, Jessica" <JFreeh at nfb.org>
> To: Alpidio Rolon <arguza at attglobal.net>, Amy Buresh <amy.buresh74 at gmail.com>,
	Art Schreiber <blindart at samobile.net>, Beth Rival <erival at comcast.net>, Bill
 Packee <alaskanfb at yahoo.com>, Bob Kresmer <krezguy at cox.net>, Carl Jacobsen
	<office at nfbny.org>, Cassandra McNabb <cemcnabb21 at yahoo.com>, Cathy Jackson
	<cathyj at iglou.com>, Charlene Smyth <cs.nfbwv at verizon.net>, "Christine G.
 Hall" <c.tessa4 at comcast.net>, Dan Hicks <danjhicks at yahoo.com>, Daniel Burke
	<burke.dall at gmail.com>, Donna Wood <donnajwood at cox.net>, Duane Iverson
	<diverson at midco.net>, Elsie Dickerson <elsiedickerson at ymail.com>, Frank Lee
	<francois57 at comcast.net>, Franklin Shiner <fshiner at myfairpoint.net>, Fred
 Schroeder <fschroeder at sks.com>, Garrick Scott <gscott at nfbga.org>, Gary Ray
	<ghraynfbofnc at charter.net>, Gary Wunder <gwunder at earthlink.net>, Grace Pires
	<silvara at cox.net>, "J.W. Smith" <jwsmithnfb at verizon.net>, James Antonacci
	<president at nfbp.org>, Jeannie Massay <Jmassay1 at cox.net>, Jennifer Dunnam
	<jennifer.dunnam1829 at gmail.com>, Joe Ruffalo <nfbnj at yahoo.com>, John Batron
	<jbatron at maine.rr.com>, John Fritz <johnfritz at centurytel.net>, Joy Harris
	<joy.harris at dwx.com>, Joyce Scanlan <joyce.scanlan at earthlink.net>, Ken
 Rollman <gatorbumps at rushmore.com>, Kim Williams <rkvend at aol.com>, Kimberly
 Flores <kflores at nfb-texas.org>, Larry Posont <president.nfb.mi at gmail.com>,
	Lynn Majewski <majla at verizon.net>, Mary Willows <mwillows at sbcglobal.net>,
	Melissa Riccobono <melissa at riccobono.us>, Michael Barber
	<michael.NFBI at gmail.com>, Michael Freeman <k7uij at panix.com>, Mika Pyyhkala
	<pyyhkala at gmail.com>, Nani Fife <nanifife at aol.com>, Pam Allen
	<pallen at lcb-ruston.com>, Parnell Diggs <parnell at sccoast.net>, Patti Chang
	<pattichang at att.net>, Patty Estes <pece03 at gmail.com>, Rena Smith
	<realhappygirl1 at gmail.com>, Ron Brown <rb15 at iquest.net>, "Gardner, Ron"
	<RGardner at nfb.org>, Sam Gleese <SGleese at city.jackson.ms.us>, Scott LaBarre
	<slabarre at labarrelaw.com>, Shawn Callaway <callaway.shawn at gmail.com>, Terry
 Sheeler <tosheeler at cox.net>
> Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2012 08:13:26 -0800
> Subject: National Federation of the Blind Urges Congress to Reject
 Commercializing Rest Stops
> Chris Danielsen
> Director of Public Relations
> National Federation of the Blind
> (410) 659-9314, extension 2330
> (410) 262-1281 (Cell)
> Cdanielsen at nfb.org<mailto:Cdanielsen at nfb.org>
> National Federation of the Blind Urges Congress
> to Reject Commercializing Rest Stops
> Transportation Bill Amendment Threatens Livelihood of Hundreds of Blind Entrepreneurs
> Baltimore, Maryland (February 14, 2012): The National Federation of the Blind<http://www.nfb.org/>, the oldest and largest nationwide organization of blind Americans, today urged the United States Congress to reject an amendment to the proposed American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act of 2012 (H.R. 7) that would allow the commercialization of highway rest stops.  Currently, the only commercial activity permitted at such rest stops is the operation of vending machines by blind entrepreneurs under the Randolph-Sheppard Act.
> Dr. Marc Maurer, President of the National Federation of the Blind, said: "This amendment would threaten the livelihoods of hundreds of blind entrepreneurs in the United States who depend on revenue from rest stop vending machines.  With an unemployment rate among blind Americans that exceeds 70 percent, such a move is deeply irresponsible, as these entrepreneurs will lose their businesses and be forced to rely on public assistance.  We urge Congress to reject this ill-considered and reckless proposal."
> The amendment, #217, has been put forward by Congressmen Steve LaTourette (R-OH), Steve Stivers (R-OH), and Dennis Kucinich (D-OH).  The House Committee on Rules is expected to vote later today on whether to allow the amendment.
> ###
> About the National Federation of the Blind
> With more than 50,000 members, the National Federation of the Blind is the largest and most influential membership organization of blind people in the United States. The NFB improves blind people's lives through advocacy, education, research, technology, and programs encouraging independence and self-confidence. It is the leading force in the blindness field today and the voice of the nation's blind. In January 2004 the NFB opened the National Federation of the Blind Jernigan Institute, the first research and training center in the United States for the blind led by the blind.

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