[NFB-Arkansas] January meeting draft minutes, Central Arkansas Chapter

Cindy Scott-Huisman crsh at att.net
Mon Jan 4 22:30:29 UTC 2021

In case you missed it! The Central Arkansas Chapter met on Saturday, January 2, and here’s a rough draft of our minutes from that meeting.

I am excited to include that plans are already coming together for a fantastic speaker at our next meeting, on February 6, in honor of Black History Month. Make plans now to attend – get involved – contact me for more information about how to start receiving information about attending our meetings. 


DRAFT - National Federation of the Blind of Arkansas

Central Arkansas Chapter


Meeting Minutes

January 2, 2021


Opening: The regular meeting of the Central Arkansas Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind (NFBAR) was called to order at 11:10 A.M., via Zoom, by President Cindy Scott-Huisman, who welcomed the membership and guests, along with requesting that all participants identify themselves when speaking, to facilitate communications and recording of the minutes. 


Roll Call: Cynthia Kiper led all participants in an alphabetical roll call, providing an opportunity for all present to identify and introduce themselves.


National Federation of the Blind Pledge: Board Member Virginia Robertson led the membership, in the recital of the Pledge.


National Federation of the Blind 1-Minute Message: Board Member Virginia Robertson led the membership, in the recital of the 1-Minute Message 


Members Present: President Cindy Scott-Huisman, Secretary Kyle Kiper, Treasurer Bettye Johnson, Board Member Kathy Rowland, Board Member Virginia Robertson, Cynthia Kiper, Brent Philpot.


Officers Not Present: Vice President Christian Ames


Guests Present: NFBAR Treasurer David Henry


Approval of Minutes: President Scott-Huisman advised the membership that minutes of both the November and December meetings were emailed to all members and inquired whether anyone had any comments or requests for corrections. Board Member Virginia Robertson made a motion to accept the previous minutes. A voice vote was held, and the motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report: President Scott-Huisman advised that the chapter is moving toward getting the Treasurer’s affairs and the bank account in order. Treasurer Bettye Johnson reported that she had received bank statements, from the chapter’s Simmons Bank account, for October and November, 2020, reflecting an October balance of $813.52, an expenditure of $125.00, for NFBAR State Convention Door Prizes, resulting in a November balance of $688.53. Secretary Kiper made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report, as provided orally. A voice vote was held, and the motion carried.   


Unfinished Business: Board Member Virginia Robertson reported that Rock Region Metro Transit has employed 2 new drivers, who are currently in training. She also inquired whether the membership would be interested in inviting Rock Region Metro Director Charles Frazier back, to give an updated report on paratransit improvements in Central Arkansas. President Scott-Huisman and Treasurer Johnson both agreed that they would like to invite Mr. Frazier, possibly in March, and would discuss the logistics after the meeting.


President Scott-Huisman reminded members that Annual Dues are now being collected, and that she had sent an informational email to the chapter. She continued by advising on both options, for how to pay dues, including a check or money order, sent to the Treasurer, or by paying electronically through NFBAR Secretary Terry Sheeler, who manages a Square processing account.


Affiliate Announcements: NFBAR Treasurer David Henry reported that the National Federation of the Blind Washington Seminar, on February 8th through the 11th, will be virtual this year, and that detailed information is pending, and will be shared at the upcoming NFBAR Board Meeting, on 12 January at 8:00 pm. 

He added that NFBAR President Nena Chadwick will be sending Zoom invitations to affiliate members, for the board meeting. 


New Business: President Scott-Huisman advised that the next chapter meeting will beon Saturday, 6 February, at 11:00 A.M.


President Scott-Huisman also reported that the Chapter Holiday Party, which was held via Zoom, was a success, and that several participants had expressed their appreciation for the social event. She continued that another social event will be scheduled, between the January and February Chapter Meetings, possibly on the evening of Friday, 15 January, at 7:00 pm.

Several members expressed their eagerness to take part in another social gathering. 


President Scott-Huisman and Secretary Kiper discussed the lack of a January Presidential Release, which typically occurs on the evening of the first day of the month. Kiper advised that he would research when the release is expected, and will share the information with the membership. 


Secretary Kiper suggested that the membership identify potential Chapter New Year’s Resolutions and expressed his ambition to bring at least one guest to chapter meetings, with hopes that that individual will become a member. President Scott-Huisman expressed her resolution to learn Robert’s Rules of Order, and to work with the chapter to organize business and meetings. She also shared her goal to have the chapter Facebook page up and running, during 2021. 


Board Member Robertson advised that she, through a contact in Arizona, has been made aware of a service which is available, via a Non-Profit Organization, which will Braille greeting cards, for individuals who wish to send correspondence to Blind recipients. President Scott-Huisman expressed interest in the service and suggested that it may be beneficial to collect information on the organization and share it to the Federation Membership.


Secretary Kiper suggested that he could invite National Association of Guide Dog Users President Raul Gallegos to speak, at an upcoming chapter meeting, and how this could be publicized so potential Guide Dog Handlers, and those interested in Service Dogs, may attend as guests, and become potential members. This was received well, by the membership. 


Treasurer Johnson suggested that, as February is Black History Month, it would be nice if the chapter invited a speaker who could speak to the topic. This was well received by the membership, and several suggestions were set forth. President Scott-Huisman replied that she was very excited about this suggestion, but that the discussion would need to happen as soon as possible, so arrangements may be made. Several members suggested discussing plans for this after the meeting. 


President Scott-Huisman expressed her gratitude to each member for their attendance and participation in building the chapter. 


Adjournment: Brent Philpot made a motion to adjourn. A voice vote was held, and the motion carried at 11:54 A.M.

Flung empirically and as if by magic from my iPhone.
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