[NFB-Arkansas] Tonight's raffle fund-raiser agenda and call-in information

Tanya VanHouten vanharris62 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 16 15:30:34 UTC 2023

Just a reminder that we will be meeting tonight at 7:00 via zoom and
conference line to discuss the raffle fund-raiser. I apologize if this
conflicts with anyone's plans to attend the Uber townhall call at 7:30. 

Raffle agenda August 16 7:00 P.M.


Call to order

Who's here?

Reminder of why we fund-raise - $10,000.00 yearly budget

Name of raffle - Do not include Arkansas 

Description of blanket - double-threaded, no knots, weighs 10 lbs. Washable

My vision - Ice breaker and money maker

Schedule for fund-raiser - Sept. 2 - Nov. 24

Tickets available for distribution immediately. E-mail me at
vanharris62 at gmail.com <mailto:vanharris62 at gmail.com>  with your name and
address and number of tickets you want

Web site - /raffle?

Ability to purchase on-line through our site?

Drawing November 24

Poster: Any volunteers?

Hurtle: How can we get around this? Act 388 of 2007 Section L #6b

b. No raffle ticket shall be sold through the mail or through the internet,
e-mail, fax, telephone or any other remote or electronic means.

Public speaking engagements?

Ideas for group-oriented ticket sales

              Paint the town Red Sept 1

              Razorback game in Little Rock Sept 2

              Bikes Blues and BBQs


              November 24 drawing - required to be a public location

              Family, friends, lions clubs

Do not sell tickets to anyone under age 18.

Do not solicit on state property

Volunteers allowed

Closing: this won't be an easy touchdown, in fact, we're going to have to
run the entire 99 yards, but with everyone's help, we can do this. We have
1000 tickets, and if we sell every one of them, we will gross $5,000.00





Meeting ID: 632 272 6273

Passcode: nfbARzoom1

One tap mobile

+16469313860,,6322726273#,,,,*2290535579# US



Conference line (605) 313-5566 access code 2772898


Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all at the meeting tonight.


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