[NFB-Arkansas] Fw: [New post] Edge 114 Update Silences WebView Content in Microsoft Applications with JAWS

Brent Philpot bphilpot642 at att.net
Mon Jun 5 21:39:02 UTC 2023

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On Monday, June 5, 2023, 4:37 PM, Freedom Scientific Blog <donotreply at wordpress.com> wrote:

@media only screen and (max-width:800px) {#yiv4914052638 table.yiv4914052638body .yiv4914052638container{width:100% !important;}#yiv4914052638 td > h1.yiv4914052638post-name{font-size:28px !important;}#yiv4914052638 .yiv4914052638footer-content .yiv4914052638footer-content-section, #yiv4914052638 .yiv4914052638footer-content .yiv4914052638footer-content-section p{font-size:14px !important;line-height:150% !important;}}@media only screen and (max-width:620px) {#yiv4914052638 body, #yiv4914052638 table.yiv4914052638body{background-color:#fff !important;}#yiv4914052638 table.yiv4914052638body .yiv4914052638wrapper{padding:32px 24px !important;}#yiv4914052638 table.yiv4914052638body .yiv4914052638content{padding:0 !important;margin:0 !important;}#yiv4914052638 table.yiv4914052638body .yiv4914052638container{padding:0 !important;width:100% !important;margin-top:0 !important;margin-bottom:5px !important;}#yiv4914052638 table.yiv4914052638body .yiv4914052638main{border-left-width:0 !important;border-radius:0 !important;border-right-width:0 !important;}#yiv4914052638 table.yiv4914052638body .yiv4914052638header{margin-bottom:40px !important;}#yiv4914052638 table.yiv4914052638body p, #yiv4914052638 table.yiv4914052638body ul, #yiv4914052638 table.yiv4914052638body li{font-size:18px !important;}#yiv4914052638 table.yiv4914052638body ul{margin-left:32px !important;}#yiv4914052638 table.yiv4914052638body .yiv4914052638btn{float:none !important;width:100% !important;}#yiv4914052638 table.yiv4914052638body .yiv4914052638btn table{width:100% !important;}#yiv4914052638 table.yiv4914052638body .yiv4914052638btn a{width:100% !important;background:#f9f9f9 !important;font-size:18px !important;}#yiv4914052638 table.yiv4914052638body .yiv4914052638btn-primary a{background:#007117 !important;}#yiv4914052638 .yiv4914052638btn-bar-wrapper{text-align:center;}#yiv4914052638 .yiv4914052638btn-bar-wrapper td{width:100% !important;display:inline-block !important;}#yiv4914052638 .yiv4914052638btn-wrapper, #yiv4914052638 .yiv4914052638btn-wrapper table.yiv4914052638btn-anchor-wrapper{width:100% !important;}#yiv4914052638 .yiv4914052638btn-anchor-wrapper a{display:block !important;margin-bottom:12px !important;}#yiv4914052638 .yiv4914052638footer-section{padding:32px 20px !important;}}
|   |   Elizabeth Whitaker posted: "On Friday, June 2, we reported an issue with Google Chrome Version 114 and JAWS 2019, 2020, and 2021 where web page content cannot be accessed by the Virtual buffer when initially launching the browser. For more on this issue, visit this Technical Suppor"   Freedom Scientific Blog   |

 Edge 114 Update Silences WebView Content in Microsoft Applications with JAWS

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Elizabeth Whitaker
 Jun 5 

On Friday, June 2, we reported an issue with Google Chrome Version 114 and JAWS 2019, 2020, and 2021 where web page content cannot be accessed by the Virtual buffer when initially launching the browser. For more on this issue, visit this Technical Support Bulletin.

Microsoft has now released Edge Version 114. For most people, Edge is working well when accessing web pages with all versions of JAWS; but symptoms like those outlined on Friday have occurred with JAWS versions in Microsoft apps like Teams and OneDrive where Edge is used to display data. The content displayed in the JAWS Virtual buffer cannot be accessed with the JAWS Virtual PC Cursor, resulting in silence when navigating with the arrow keys.

This issue may also occur in Microsoft Office 365 applications where Edge displays data. When using Teams Preview (an option that allows users to test and explore upcoming features), the Virtual PC cursor is not active by default. When you press the TAB key or use keystrokes like CTRL+1-6 on the number row to navigate in Teams, you will not receive spoken feedback.

Here's What to Do

The best workaround is to activate the JAWS Cursor, then activate the Virtual PC Cursor using one of the following methods:

Note: When in an app screen or when using a feature that displays content like a web page in the JAWS Virtual Buffer that cannot initially be accessed by the Virtual PC Cursor, the PC Cursor will be active.
   - If you are using a keyboard with a numpad, press NUMPAD MINUS to activate the JAWS Cursor, then press NUMPAD PLUS to activate the Virtual PC Cursor.
   - If you are using a laptop without a numpad, press CAPS LOCK+P to activate the JAWS cursor, then CAPS LOCK+SEMICOLON to activate the Virtual PC Cursor.

The page content should now be readable with the Virtual PC Cursor, though you may need to press the TAB key once to access it.

This workaround will remain in effect for each app until you restart it.

We will continue to post updates as they become available. If you have any questions or need assistance, access this Technical Support Bulletin for the latest details, or send an email to training at vispero.com.

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