[NFB-Arkansas] Fw: May Central Chapter meeting, tomorrow, Saturday the 13th @ 11:00 via Zoom

Brent Philpot bphilpot642 at att.net
Fri May 12 18:19:38 UTC 2023

Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail for iPhone

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On Friday, May 12, 2023, 1:04 PM, Cantrell Gallery <cantrellgalleryar at gmail.com> wrote:

Many new items added to our meeting agenda since earlier in the week - please read!!!

CentralArkansas Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind Agenda

May13, 2023, 11 A.M.


Checkfor attachments, which may include; previous meeting minutes and/or treasurer’sreport. Find the Zoom link info at the bottom of this message


Ifsomeone you know might be interested in joining our meeting, share this.



Callmeeting to order


RollCall, alphabetically by last name

Anyvisitors? WELCOME!!!


Minutesfor previous meeting

Anycorrections or discussion?



Anycorrections or discussion?


Continuingitems on the Table



Speakersuggestions can go to the chair of the speaker committee, Vice President,Ginger Robertson Robertson.virginia at gmail.com


Missionto grow our membership – remember to invite others to join our upcomingmeetings


Accessibilityof medical forms or equipment 


Anynew tips, tricks, gadgets anyone wants to share about?




Signup to receive emails from NFBAR. Please take a moment to subscribe to our ListServe. We have made the process much easier. You may go to the www.nfbar.org website, find the Subscribebutton, and fill in your information. It will ask you to create a password, butI have been told you can skip that step, if you prefer. Jump onto thisinformation train, and let us know how the new way to subscribe goes!!!


Shareabout Advocacy opportunities


Chapterfundraising ideas?

Whowants to look in to the popcorn sale that a chapter in Pennsylvania had?



Adebatable topic will be presented and we can discuss our opinions. There are nowrong or right answers – this is a time to share and respect other’s views. Tryto keep your comments as brief as possible, so there is enough time foreveryone who wants to share.


NewOn the Table


StateConvention will be in Jonesboro in 2024! No other plans have been made yet.Stay tuned for more info as it develops. 


Weneed suggestions for a theme. Can it tie into diversity, inclusion, etc.?


Plansfor a state wide member directory. Let’s talk about it. We are talking aboutname, email address, and phone numbers. Also, you could include your work info,if it is pertinent. What other types of agencies contact info should beincluded?


Give$20 is back, for #NFB23, winner receives a full trip for 2 to #NFB24, includingAir, Hotel, Convention Registration, Banquet Fees, and $1000 in “Walkingaround” Money.


NAGDUoffering 2 Convention Scholarships, to assist with attendance costs, for 2Guide Dog Teams.


President’scurrent overview of the initial concepts, and share documents, about theproposed Museum of the Blindness Movement, Civil Rights Museum, to be locatedin Baltimore. Ask how Chapters and Members may contribute.


Volunteersrequested for Affiliate Committees

ARazorback Blanket, created by President VanHouten, is being planned, to startin the Summer, and be drawn, in early Football Season.


Let’sdiscuss meeting in person every other month


Wecollected around $38 in Change for Change during state convention. 

Wewill continue to collect throughout the year. Bring coins to in-person meetings,and we will have our collection jar when we are set up in the community.


Theaffiliate is asking chapters to consider donating 30% of the funds we raise,instead of the current 20%. We need to give feedback about this proposal.


Thereare 4 funds that we can donate to on the National level during NationalConvention, and we also have the opportunity to donate door prizes. We need todecide how much for each. Below is a description of each fund:



Shortlybefore the death of Dr. Kenneth Jernigan, we created a special fund in honor ofone of our longtime, great leaders. The purpose of the fund is to providenational convention scholarships of various types to members of the Federation.Priority is given to first-time attendees. 


WhiteCane and Affiliate Finance Committee

Weuse this fund’s contributions for operating expenses. Recently threefundraising-related committees (White Cane Fund, Imagination Fund, and Cash& Caring) were combined under the White Cane and Affiliate FinanceCommittee.


JacobustenBroek Fund

Aspart of its mission to integrate the blind into society, the Jacobus tenBroekFund owns and operates the facilities where our NFB Jernigan Institute is located.These services are provided at no cost to the National Federation of the Blind.



Sincethe NFB depends on public donations and we are an advocacy organization, we arebuilding a reserve fund. This fund is called Shares Unlimited for NFB (SUN).Individuals, chapters, state affiliates, and divisions make donations to theSUN fund as they can. These funds are invested and kept as a reserve.


Whois planning on attending National Convention in Houston?

Weneed folks to volunteer for Independence Market and Talking Signs


Ifanyone is driving to National Convention, we need to look into carpooling.

Stateconvention recap. What worked well? Where can we use some improvements?


Presidential/AffiliateBoard member Announcements




WelcomingCeremony for New Members

Thisappears in the agenda regardless of any members to welcome. Any potential newmembers can familiarize themselves with the process

*Do you wish to be a member of the National Federation of the Blind?

*Membership in our organization is a commitment to work together to achieveequality for the blind. Membership grants you the right to help set thedirection for the organization. Membership also gives you the responsibility ofworking collaboratively with other members to achieve the best outcomes for theorganization as a whole. As individuals, we receive great strength and valuefor our participation in the organization. Our goal over time is to give morethan we have received. We are reminded of our rights and responsibilities asmembers by repeating our NFB pledge. Please repeat after me:

NFB Pledge

Ipledge to participate actively in the effort of the National Federation of theBlind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind; to supportthe policies and programs of the Federation; and to abide by its constitution.


*Make a motion to accept the individuals as members:

*I move to accept




asa member of the Central Arkansas Chapter of the National Federation of theBlind of Arkansas.

*Second motion.


*Vote new individuals into membership.


One-Minute Message

TheNational Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the characteristicthat defines us or our future. Every day we raise the expectations of blindpeople, because low expectations create obstacles between blind people and ourdreams. We can live the life we want; blindness is not what holds us back.


*Invite each individual to introduce themselves and share what they hope to doas a member of the Federation.


Thismonth’s Presidential Release


Datesto Keep in Mind:

Nextmeeting date is June 10. It will be on the Zoom platform




NFBof Arkansas is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: NFB of Arkansas's Zoom Meeting
Time: May 13, 2023 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 632 272 6273
Passcode: 2290535579
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Join by Skype for Business

Cantrell Gallery
8208 Cantrell Road
Little Rock, AR 72227
cantrellgalleryar at gmail.comMonday - Saturday  10:00 - 5:00or by appointment

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