[NFB-Arkansas] Final razorback blanket meeting November 13 7:00 P.M.

Tanya VanHouten vanharris62 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 6 14:14:41 UTC 2023

Hello everyone

The blanket fund-raiser is coming to a close, and we need to have 1 more
meeting to insure that everyone knows when and where to send their tickets.

Also, we will be discussing the drawing and finalizing plans for that event.

Thank you all so much for helping with this fund-raiser.

I hope this project afforded our affiliate with outreach opportunities and
of course fund-raising efforts for all of the Arkansas affiliate of the NFB.

We will be meeting via zoom.

Here's the zoom information.

Tanya VanHouten

(501) 680-7007


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 632 272 6273

Passcode: nfbARzoom1

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Meeting ID: 632 272 6273

Passcode: 2290535579

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abUoe8Jtkp




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