[NFB-Arkansas] FW: Arkansas Library for the Blind Recipes to be Published

Tanya VanHouten vanharris62 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 26 01:12:32 UTC 2024



From: Hancock, Kristina (ASLIB) <Kristina.Hancock at ade.arkansas.gov> 
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2024 2:32 PM
To: 'vanharris62 at gmail.com' <vanharris62 at gmail.com>
Subject: Arkansas Library for the Blind Recipes to be Published



Arkansas Library for the Blind Patrons, 


Wouldn't it be great if staff at NLS libraries could sit down with all our
awesome patrons to share a meal? Nothing creates a sense of community like
breaking bread together and sharing favorite food traditions.


While we can't all sit down together, we can still share that sense of
community and connection through food: enter The Community Table: Recipes
and Reflections from NLS Southern Regional Libraries.


This collaborative effort among southern states and territories aims to
bring together treasured recipes, along with a short paragraph explaining
the dish's history, from staff members and up to 5 patrons from each
regional or territory library.


The resulting recipe/memory book will be formatted for recording, brailling,
and posting on BARD. We would also like to pursue a large print edition when


Each submission should have an introductory paragraph explaining why the
recipe is special, followed by the recipe. We will use only first names and
state designators in the book.



Kristina Hancock

Manager, Arkansas Library for the Blind and Print Disabled


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