[NFB-Blind-Crafters] Tip to make signing up for classes a piece of cake!

carcione at access.net carcione at access.net
Sun Aug 18 17:35:36 UTC 2024

Thanks Sarah.  I think I'll do this.  It will save me thinking about what I
need to send.




From: NFB-Blind-Crafters <nfb-blind-crafters-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf
Of Sarah via NFB-Blind-Crafters
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2024 1:31 PM
To: 'List for Blind Crafters and Artists' <nfb-blind-crafters at nfbnet.org>
Cc: meow91 at gmail.com
Subject: [NFB-Blind-Crafters] Tip to make signing up for classes a piece of


Hi all,


I personally don't mind the current method of emailing Dixie to sign up for
classes. Here's a tip to make it easy if you're using a computer to sign up.


Save the numbered list (only 4 items) at the bottom of this email in a file
on your computer and replace the sample info with your info. 

When you are ready to sign up for a class, open the page with the class info
in a browser and a new email in your email program. 

Address the email to Dixie and copy and paste the name of the class in the
subject line of the email.

Also paste the name of the class into the 4th spot on the list in your saved
file. Don't forget to remove the name of the class you last signed up for.

Copy and paste the list into your email to Dixie and send it off! 



1.           Sarah Butler  

2.           blank at gmail.com <mailto:blank at gmail.com>  

3.           240-000-0000 .

4.           Purple Knitted Square

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