[NFB-Braille-Discussion] Reading Speed Increases

Jody ianuzzi thunderwalker321 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 18 16:27:20 UTC 2023

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To Boldly Go  🖖🏻 

thunderwalker321 at gmail.com 

"What's within you is stronger than what's in your way."  NO BARRIERS  Erik Weihenmayer

> On Mar 17, 2023, at 3:23 PM, Mike Jolls via NFB-Braille-Discussion <nfb-braille-discussion at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Jody
> So what is the parent division?  Am I correct in assuming you mean this is a division within the NFB?  And if it is, then would this be an email group similar to this group, except you’re talking to parents of kids and sharing your experiences?  Would the  purpose of such a group also to advise parents and convince them that Braille is a good thing for their kids?  I guess sometimes you have to convince the parents too.  I remember my own mom.  She could have used some convincing.
> When I was growing up, my mom did NOT want me to learn Braille because she didn’t want me to “look blind”.  Learning Braille would have meant I would publicly show I was blind, something she couldn’t handle.  She impressed on me the need to “look normal” so people couldn’t tell I was visually impaired.  It only worked to a point, because once people saw me reading and holding a print book 2 inches from my face, the secret was out of the bag.  The result of her decisions was that I didn’t learn Braille, so all I could do was use my vision to read as best I could, and I’ve already told you that result.  A slow reader in high school in college and beyond.
> If getting involved in the parents division allows me to share my experiences and make a parent realize the importance of being prepared for life, that would be good.  I hate the thought of a child having to relive my experiences, falling behind because of a difficulty in reading.  Heck, I was mainstreamed in public school, and all they had was print books.  I guess I was lucky I could read print, but it was a struggle to keep up, almost impossible,  since my vision didn’t allow me to read fast enough.  This was especially true in literature class where all you did was read.  As I said earlier, I was trying to survive with eyesight that wouldn’t let me succeed.  I’ll never know at this point how my life would have been different with Braille, but I think Braille would have been a lifesaver had I known it.  And that’s why kids need to know it, so they don’t repeat my story.
> I think I’m rambling, but thinking about those experiences in the past just makes me relive them and remember how painful they were.
> Feel free to comment on anything I’ve said.
> Mike
> Sent from Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows
> From: Jody ianuzzi via NFB-Braille-Discussion<mailto:nfb-braille-discussion at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Friday, March 17, 2023 1:00 PM
> To: NFB Braille Discussion List<mailto:nfb-braille-discussion at nfbnet.org>
> Cc: Jody ianuzzi<mailto:thunderwalker321 at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [NFB-Braille-Discussion] Reading Speed Increases
> That’s a good question! Back in the 1990s I helped advocate for the braille bill in a state of New Hampshire. Many other states also now have a braille bill that requires that all of vision students be offered the opportunity to learn braille. I think probably advocating through the parents is a good idea. The NFB has been very active in this. I have also been invited to join several IEP meetings to advocate for the student to learn braille. When I describe my own personal experience and how it impacted me many of the teachers in the room said wow we had no idea! It changed their minds on how important it was for their students to learn braille. So I guess my first suggestion would be to contact the local parent division and get involved with the parents and the kids. Th The NFB also has the Bell Academy and you could become involved as a volunteer with that program.
> To Boldly Go  🖖🏻
> thunderwalker321 at gmail.com
> "What's within you is stronger than what's in your way."  NO BARRIERS  Erik Weihenmayer
>> On Mar 17, 2023, at 1:29 PM, Sanho Steele-Louchart via NFB-Braille-Discussion <nfb-braille-discussion at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> Mike,
>> Well, my solution is to negotiate at IEP's for kids to have access to
>> braille and quality braille instruction. Failing that, I'd make them.
>> This is the rare situation where it's my way: There is no highway
>> option.
>> As for not being in front of a school board or the legislature: How
>> would you like to use your energy to better the lives of others? If
>> it's advocating for braille literacy so others don't have to go
>> through what many of us went through, great. If it's something else,
>> also great. Both are totally valid.
>> Sanho
>>> On 3/17/23, Mike Jolls via NFB-Braille-Discussion
>>> <nfb-braille-discussion at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Jody
>>> I just wanted to reply to what you said.
>>> I agree that that we should be advocates for kids learning Braille.  But let
>>> me ask you this.  What outlet could I be a part of where such an opinion
>>> would make a difference?  I’m 66 and not associated with a school system, or
>>> talking to politicians.  How can someone’s voice like mine be heard?
>>> Second, I think a big reason educators have moved away from Braille is cost.
>>> I wonder if they think that having the technology means they don’t need to
>>> employ (and pay) Braille teachers.  If I was an administrator and I thought
>>> technology could replace a teacher, I would probably fight to not have
>>> Braille teachers.  Of course we know that audible books DO NOT adequately
>>> communicate all the information that a print book (for sighted students) or
>>> a braille book (for visually impaired kids) communicates.  Spelling, and
>>> also symbols (especially for STEM fields) is absolutely critical.  You can’t
>>> expect a student to keep up if they can’t get all the information they
>>> need.
>>> So tell me, and I’m open to others responding.  Is the absence of Braille
>>> still an issue in schools after all this time?  People were talking about
>>> this 15 years ago.  And if so, how do we make our voices heard, aside from
>>> talking in these discussion forums?  Braille is important.  Not having it,
>>> and having difficulty keeping up in school and the workplace is a death
>>> sentence blind people shouldn’t have to put up with.
>>> Thanks for the input.
>>> Mike
>>>>> The attitude among many educators is a Braille is outdated and
>>>>> technology
>>>>> has taken its place. Nothing could be further from the truth! I also
>>>>> think
>>>>> that it’s a real shame that you can become a teacher is visually
>>>>> impaired
>>>>> and not be proficient in braille! That’s like being a public school
>>>>> teacher
>>>>> and not knowing how to read.
>>> Sent from Mail<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgo.microsoft.com%2Ffwlink%2F%3FLinkId%3D550986&data=05%7C01%7C%7Cbd8c9b550f7041409bd108db27118709%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C638146728461049985%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=sRdWBfCGLX%2BnCq5fmFyxGg%2BrygFw%2Fzcy41G32p7INw4%3D&reserved=0> for Windows
>>> From: Jody ianuzzi via
>>> NFB-Braille-Discussion<mailto:nfb-braille-discussion at nfbnet.org>
>>> Sent: Friday, March 17, 2023 9:06 AM
>>> To: NFB Braille Discussion List<mailto:nfb-braille-discussion at nfbnet.org>
>>> Cc: Jody ianuzzi<mailto:thunderwalker321 at gmail.com>
>>> Subject: Re: [NFB-Braille-Discussion] Reading Speed Increases
>>> Oh I agree, I have met some excellent TVs also! As a matter fact my best
>>> friend that lives in my town was an excellent TV I when she was working. She
>>> will be the first to tell you that it takes the initiative of the teacher to
>>> become really good at braille.
>>> JODY
>>> To Boldly Go  🖖🏻
>>> thunderwalker321 at gmail.com
>>> "What's within you is stronger than what's in your way."  NO BARRIERS  Erik
>>> Weihenmayer
>>>> On Mar 17, 2023, at 9:36 AM, Sanho Steele-Louchart via
>>>> NFB-Braille-Discussion <nfb-braille-discussion at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>> Jody,
>>>> I'm not sure it's "like" that at all. That seems to be exactly what it
>>>> is. Granted, I've met some amazing TVI's in my day, but they're
>>>> amazing because they, themselves, are incredible educators, not
>>>> because of their education programs.
>>>> Sanho
>>>>> On 3/17/23, Jody ianuzzi via NFB-Braille-Discussion
>>>>> <nfb-braille-discussion at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>>> Hello Mike,
>>>>> I had exactly the same experience that you had in public school.  When I
>>>>> was
>>>>> growing up in the 1960s 52% of blind kids learn braille, now it’s down
>>>>> to
>>>>> 8%. The excuse is that there are more multi handicap children but I
>>>>> think
>>>>> there is still too much reliance on magnification and Technology as a
>>>>> substitute for learning to read braille.
>>>>> I think we should all be advocates for Low Low vision kids learning
>>>>> braille
>>>>> The attitude among many educators is a Braille is outdated and
>>>>> technology
>>>>> has taken its place. Nothing could be further from the truth! I also
>>>>> think
>>>>> that it’s a real shame that you can become a teacher is visually
>>>>> impaired
>>>>> and not be proficient in braille! That’s like being a public school
>>>>> teacher
>>>>> and not knowing how to read.
>>>>> JODY
>>>>> To Boldly Go  🖖🏻
>>>>> thunderwalker321 at gmail.com
>>>>> "What's within you is stronger than what's in your way."  NO BARRIERS
>>>>> Erik
>>>>> Weihenmayer
>>>>>> On Mar 17, 2023, at 8:56 AM, Mike Jolls via NFB-Braille-Discussion
>>>>>> <nfb-braille-discussion at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Debbie Gabe
>>>>>> I read your email with great interest.  I’m 66 years old.  I’ve been
>>>>>> legally blind my entire life.  Due to the educational system I went
>>>>>> through, I was taught to read print since I could see (although I’m
>>>>>> severely nearsighted and my vision makes me a slow reader).  I did not
>>>>>> have the opportunity to learn Braille in my early years.  Being a
>>>>>> partially sighted person, the answer was always “make it bigger with
>>>>>> magnification”, “get a stronger pair of glasses”, and so on.  This was
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> mentality of the sighted community because sight was what they
>>>>>> understood.
>>>>>> And so I lived my life, until around age 50, after trying these methods
>>>>>> over and over, that I realized that there was a limit to how well I
>>>>>> could
>>>>>> read if I used my vision.  It dawned on me that if I was ever going to
>>>>>> overcome my reading deficiency, I had to find a method that didn’t use
>>>>>> my
>>>>>> eyesight.  What an epiphany that was!!
>>>>>> Enter Braille.
>>>>>> I started learning Braille at age 50.  It was definitely an
>>>>>> “eye-opener”,
>>>>>> because it did exactly what I realized an alternate method would have
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> do.  It bypassed the vision and removed the barrier that bad vision
>>>>>> imposes.  I was hopeful that Braille would allow me to improve my
>>>>>> reading
>>>>>> speed.  I’ve been on that quest since then, and as I say, I’m now 66.
>>>>>> Unfortunately, I haven’t achieved a reading speed I would like to have
>>>>>> (say 150 words per minute), but it’s not for a lack of trying.  Perhaps
>>>>>> as
>>>>>> you say … when you’re older and starting out, you may not achieve
>>>>>> speeds
>>>>>> that a younger person will achieve when they start reading at age 6.  I
>>>>>> think this is similar to playing the piano which I started seriously
>>>>>> studying at age 60.  It’s a lot easier to soak it up when you’re
>>>>>> younger,
>>>>>> but that’s another topic that could spawn a different conversation, so
>>>>>> I’ll stop there.
>>>>>> These days I read Braille primarily with a Braille display.  You
>>>>>> mention
>>>>>> that you need to read hardcopy Braille, but I find the supply is
>>>>>> limited.
>>>>>> The NLS has made the decision that 85 percent of its reading material
>>>>>> will
>>>>>> be in audible format, and the other 15 percent will either be in
>>>>>> electronic braille format or hardcopy braille.  That leaves us readers
>>>>>> who
>>>>>> are interested in Braille out in the cold.  Bookshare is of course
>>>>>> another
>>>>>> option.
>>>>>> In summary, I wish I had been given the opportunity to learn braille at
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> younger age, but that’s water under the bridge at this point.  All I
>>>>>> can
>>>>>> do is read as much as I can.  But I still stand behind my conviction
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> to improve reading for a partially sighted person (and certainly for a
>>>>>> totally blind person), braille is the answer, and the sooner you
>>>>>> embrace
>>>>>> it and the more you use it, the better off you’ll be.
>>>>>> Thanks for posting your email.  It was interesting reading.
>>>>>> Mike Jolls
>>>>>> Sent from
>>>>>> Mail<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgo.microsoft.com%2Ffwlink%2F%3FLinkId%3D550986&data=05%7C01%7C%7Cbd8c9b550f7041409bd108db27118709%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C638146728461049985%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=sRdWBfCGLX%2BnCq5fmFyxGg%2BrygFw%2Fzcy41G32p7INw4%3D&reserved=0>
>>>>>> for Windows
>>>>>> From: Debbie Gabe via
>>>>>> NFB-Braille-Discussion<mailto:nfb-braille-discussion at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2023 12:28 AM
>>>>>> To: 'NFB Braille Discussion
>>>>>> List'<mailto:nfb-braille-discussion at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>> Cc: Debbie Gabe<mailto:dgabe808 at gmail.com>
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [NFB-Braille-Discussion] Reading Speed Increases
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I came into this conversation late. I'm not sure how old you are.
>>>>>> I learned braille when I was 55 years old. I practiced every chance I
>>>>>> got.
>>>>>> I took my braille book to appointments where I thought I might have to
>>>>>> wait. I read in my husband's care, on the bus, during TV commercials in
>>>>>> the evening, anytime I had a few minutes to spare. Now at 72 years old,
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> still have not yet broken 100 words a minute, but I am always in the
>>>>>> middle of at least 2 braille novels. I make labels for everything in
>>>>>> braille. I write notes to myself. For several years, before I finally
>>>>>> retired, I taught braille.
>>>>>> If you are ""older", then you might not end up reading as fast as
>>>>>> someone
>>>>>> who learns braille at a younger age, but you can still make it useful
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> enjoyable.
>>>>>> But you do have to practice every single day as much as you can. If I go
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> couple days without reading braille, I notice my reading speed is so
>>>>>> much
>>>>>> slower, it frustrates me.
>>>>>> And you need to use good reading technique, Read with both hands, all 8
>>>>>> fingers on the line of braille. Don't red with the fingertips, but
>>>>>> more
>>>>>> between the tips and the pads of the fingers.
>>>>>> And you will increase your speed faster if you read hard copy books
>>>>>> rather
>>>>>> than electronic braille displays where there is only a single line at a
>>>>>> time.
>>>>>> And keep your touch light, don't "scrub", etc. I'm sure you've heard
>>>>>> all
>>>>>> those things.
>>>>>> Lastly, Jerry Whittle, used to teach braille for over 30 years to
>>>>>> adults
>>>>>> at the Louisiana Center for the blind. He wrote a bunch of articles
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> were published in magazines from the NFB: the Braille Monitor, etc. Do
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> google search for him. He died a while ago, but his articles are still
>>>>>> out
>>>>>> there. He has several on increasing reading speed.
>>>>>> Good luck.
>>>>>> And if you are free on the 4th Saturdays of each month, the NFB of
>>>>>> Hawaii
>>>>>> holds a zoom meeting called All About Braille. I am the host. We
>>>>>> discuss
>>>>>> anything and everything about braille, , including increasing reading
>>>>>> speed. If interested, email me personally at debbiegabe at live.com and I
>>>>>> will send you the zoom link. It takes place at 10 am Hawaii time (1 pm
>>>>>> west coast time, and 4 pm eastern time).
>>>>>> Best.
>>>>>> Debbie Gabe
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: NFB-Braille-Discussion
>>>>>> <nfb-braille-discussion-bounces at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>> On Behalf Of Ramona via NFB-Braille-Discussion
>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 10:05 AM
>>>>>> To: Sanho Steele-Louchart via NFB-Braille-Discussion
>>>>>> <nfb-braille-discussion at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>> Cc: Ramona <walhoframona at gmail.com>
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [NFB-Braille-Discussion] Reading Speed Increases
>>>>>> Reading every day as much as possible is essential. You are not going
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> give up other forms of reading; you cannot get everything in Braille,
>>>>>> anyway. Find a magazine you enjoy in Braille, some books, some business
>>>>>> reports—you pick. Two experiences worth sharing: 1. A Braille student
>>>>>> came
>>>>>> to me for a recipe and took it down using her slate and stylus. She
>>>>>> said:
>>>>>> I am going to college and want my noses in Braille, but I am too slow.
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> answered: Make yourself write them with the slate and stylus. Most
>>>>>> freshmen do not have notetaking mastered, and you can share your notes
>>>>>> with others, so do the best you can and see how fast you improve. At
>>>>>> Christmas break she came back for another recipe and wrote it on the
>>>>>> slate
>>>>>> like a pro. I said: Carolyn, you did it! She barely knew what I was
>>>>>> talking about, but she had taken notes with the slate and stylusin in
>>>>>> all
>>>>>> of her classes for one semester and truly had no more concerns about
>>>>>> speed. Second example: We had a student with a phD who was losing
>>>>>> vision
>>>>>> so was a fast reader in print. She was determined to build speed in
>>>>>> Braille. She took two hours of braille during the day and read two more
>>>>>> hours each evening 7 days a week. It took her about 3 weeks to cover
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> entire Braille code, and then she began reading whatever she wished. At
>>>>>> the end of six months she took a timed reading test and read 150 words
>>>>>> per
>>>>>> minute. She said the effort was worth the results. That was the right
>>>>>> time
>>>>>> for her to do it. Students who learn as children keep up their speed
>>>>>> pretty easily. If the speed has increased as an adult, you need to keep
>>>>>> on
>>>>>> reading regularly to maintain it.
>>>>>> suggestions on technique: pet the Braille lightly and keep your fingers
>>>>>> moving to the right, so you are getting part from context, but do not
>>>>>> go
>>>>>> back and worry about single words, so your muscle memory is being
>>>>>> developped. 2. Get identical texts of Braille and recorded material.
>>>>>> Set
>>>>>> the player just a little faster than you can read the Braille and make
>>>>>> yourself keep up. 3. If you did not get the sense from context, read
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> entire page again, keeping up your speed, three or four times if
>>>>>> necessary. It will come! Mabel Nading and I did lots of testing of
>>>>>> speed
>>>>>> building at the Iowa Commission for the Blind in the 1970's. Some of
>>>>>> our
>>>>>> students taught us a lot by their success. Determination and discipline
>>>>>> make a huge difference. I think some of this stuff is in the Braille
>>>>>> Monitor somewhere.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Ramona
>>>>>>> On Mar 15, 2023 1:09 PM, Sanho Steele-Louchart via
>>>>>>> NFB-Braille-Discussion
>>>>>>> <nfb-braille-discussion at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> Sahar,
>>>>>>> Thank you. Agreed on all counts. I really want to move to reading
>>>>>>> everything in braille as long as it isn't time-sensitive, but I've
>>>>>>> been using my screen-reader at 850 words a minute for almost twenty
>>>>>>> years. Going back to 40 or 60WPM is incredibly difficult--especially
>>>>>>> given the neurological fatigue that comes with.
>>>>>>> Sanho
>>>>>>>> On 3/15/23, Sahar Husseini via NFB-Braille-Discussion
>>>>>>>> <nfb-braille-discussion at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Practice really is key. I used to tell my students. Sighted people
>>>>>>>> see print everywhere. It is literally on everything. You have to
>>>>>>>> read braille every day. Some people tell me that's hard to do, but
>>>>>>>> that really is what it takes. I never understood how kids took
>>>>>>>> braille class for one day a week. I was lucky that everything in
>>>>>>>> school was in braille. For me to get faster, I had to read
>>>>>>>> everything in braille. Of course, now, I am 110 years old, so I
>>>>>>>> don't know that kids get everything in braille these days. It's sad
>>>>>>>> how much focus is on audio. Some of us don't comprehend as well on
>>>>>>>> audio. Ok, I'm not quite 110, lol.
>>>>>>>> Warm regards,
>>>>>>>> Sahar Husseini
>>>>>>>> Sahar’s Beaded Creations
>>>>>>>> For hand-crafted, one-of-a-kind jewelry, please visit my Website at
>>>>>>>> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.saharscreations.com%2F&data=05%7C01%7C%7Cbd8c9b550f7041409bd108db27118709%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C638146728461049985%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=r1fm7k56uMO19gCBQrUoVs2LxQhHPE2f6xuU8qpPcgg%3D&reserved=0
>>>>>>>> Find me on Facebook at
>>>>>>>> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fsaharscreations&data=05%7C01%7C%7Cbd8c9b550f7041409bd108db27118709%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C638146728461049985%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=cVx376okEAe2rSjDJESrwP2U53RvZP4GQCZl7qvN5tc%3D&reserved=0
>>>>>>>> And remember, “Obstacles don't have
>>>>>>>> to stop you.  If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up.
>>>>>>>> Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."
>>>>>>>> Michael Jordan
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From: NFB-Braille-Discussion
>>>>>>>> <nfb-braille-discussion-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of David
>>>>>>>> Andrews via NFB-Braille-Discussion
>>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 1:26 PM
>>>>>>>> To: 'NFB Braille Discussion List'
>>>>>>>> <nfb-braille-discussion at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>>>> Cc: dandrews920 at comcast.net
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [NFB-Braille-Discussion] Reading Speed Increases
>>>>>>>> I am not an expert in Braille learning -- however, I remember some
>>>>>>>> articles in the Braille Monitor in the 90's about adults learning
>>>>>>>> Braille and increasing their speed.  I think the recommendations are
>>>>>>>> generally that you need to read each and every day, for an hour if
>>>>>>>> possible. I remember one person saying it took them two years to
>>>>>>>> build
>>>>>>>> up their speed.
>>>>>>>> I am not trying to discourage you, but if you go weeks or months
>>>>>>>> without reading Braille, you won't get faster.
>>>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From: NFB-Braille-Discussion
>>>>>>>> <nfb-braille-discussion-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Sanho
>>>>>>>> Steele-Louchart via NFB-Braille-Discussion
>>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 10:56 AM
>>>>>>>> To: NFB Braille Discussion List <nfb-braille-discussion at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>>>> Cc: Sanho Steele-Louchart <sanho817 at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [NFB-Braille-Discussion] Reading Speed Increases
>>>>>>>> Right now, approximately zero minutes a day on average. I have weeks
>>>>>>>> where I read 10 pages a day and months where I don't touch braille
>>>>>>>> at all. I definitely need to build consistency there. I'm currently
>>>>>>>> reading at about 60WPM. Enough to enjoy and understand what I'm
>>>>>>>> reading, but nowhere near what I read when I was sighted.
>>>>>>>> On 3/15/23, marianne denning via NFB-Braille-Discussion
>>>>>>>> <nfb-braille-discussion at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Do you know anyone who can watch you as you read and make
>>>>>>>>> suggestions?
>>>>>>>>> Many people have increased reading speed. How much time do you
>>>>>>>>> spend reading each day?
>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>> From: NFB-Braille-Discussion
>>>>>>>>> <nfb-braille-discussion-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Sanho
>>>>>>>>> Steele-Louchart via NFB-Braille-Discussion
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 11:13 AM
>>>>>>>>> To: NFB Braille Discussion List <nfb-braille-discussion at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>>>>> Cc: Sanho Steele-Louchart <sanho817 at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [NFB-Braille-Discussion] Reading Speed Increases
>>>>>>>>> Mike,
>>>>>>>>> Thanks. I'm compiling the list now in text and braille for people
>>>>>>>>> to use as they wish.
>>>>>>>>> To clarify, I'm not looking for techniques. I'm looking for how
>>>>>>>>> long it takes to increase speed and by what amount we can do so.
>>>>>>>>> Warmth,
>>>>>>>>> Sanho
>>>>>>>>> On 3/15/23, Mike Jolls via NFB-Braille-Discussion
>>>>>>>>> <nfb-braille-discussion at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I have been working on increasing Braille reading speed as well …
>>>>>>>>>> here are my tips
>>>>>>>>>> Don’t scrub
>>>>>>>>>> Light touch
>>>>>>>>>> Read things that don’t have words that are too difficult at first
>>>>>>>>>> All fingers on the Braille as you read.
>>>>>>>>>> Both hands start the line and move together across the line  –
>>>>>>>>>> but right eventually separates from left and finishes while left
>>>>>>>>>> goes to next line ready to read (this means there’s no time lost
>>>>>>>>>> between right hand finishing and next line starting to be read)
>>>>>>>>>> Hmmm … practicing the frequently read words … I’d be interested in
>>>>>>>>>> getting a list of those myself.
>>>>>>>>>> Another tip, make sure you practice reading every day.
>>>>>>>>>> And here are a couple of more things (if you’re reading on a
>>>>>>>>>> braille display with a screen reader such as Jaws) Put the braille
>>>>>>>>>> display in “auto advance” mode and read a document.  The screen
>>>>>>>>>> reader will automatically advance to the next line and refresh the
>>>>>>>>>> display with the next line of text.  This will force you to keep
>>>>>>>>>> up.
>>>>>>>>>> You may need to set the auto advance speed so it’s slow enough at
>>>>>>>>>> first so you can keep up with it.  Then as you get better, set it
>>>>>>>>>> a bit faster.  It’s like taking a shorthand class where the
>>>>>>>>>> teacher keeps making you go faster.
>>>>>>>>>> You do get faster as time goes on.  I’m still working on this.
>>>>>>>>>> Second tip for the braille display.  In your screen reader
>>>>>>>>>> software, set the left and right panning buttons so that forward
>>>>>>>>>> panning is the LEFT button, not the right button.  By default (at
>>>>>>>>>> least in Jaws), Jaws has assigned the forward pan function to the
>>>>>>>>>> right panning button on the display.  But this means that you have
>>>>>>>>>> to move your hand to the right side of the display in order to
>>>>>>>>>> pan.  And when you’re on a short line, it takes a second or two to
>>>>>>>>>> do that.  Result is that you lose a couple of seconds every time
>>>>>>>>>> you have to move your hand to the right side of the display.  By
>>>>>>>>>> switching the forward pan function to the left button, you don’t
>>>>>>>>>> have to move your right hand to the end of the display to press
>>>>>>>>>> the pan forward button.  Your left hand is always there on the
>>>>>>>>>> left button, so it takes less time to pan forward.  This will save
>>>>>>>>>> a little time (every bit helps) but the majority of your time
>>>>>>>>>> savings
>>>>>>>>>> will be in the tips before this one.
>>>>>>>>>> This one will take a bit of getting used to, but I have it from
>>>>>>>>>> another blind user that this is the way to go.  Saving the second
>>>>>>>>>> or two on each line seems to make sense, so give it a try.
>>>>>>>>>> Hope I’ve explained this adequately and good luck.
>>>>>>>>>> Incidentally, for those in the NFB group, any comments are welcome
>>>>>>>>>> regarding what I’ve said.
>>>>>>>>>> Sent from
>>>>>>>>>> Mail<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgo.microsoft.com%2Ffwlink%2F%3FLinkId%3D550986&data=05%7C01%7C%7Cbd8c9b550f7041409bd108db27118709%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C638146728461049985%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=sRdWBfCGLX%2BnCq5fmFyxGg%2BrygFw%2Fzcy41G32p7INw4%3D&reserved=0>
>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>> Windows
>>>>>>>>>> From: Sanho Steele-Louchart via
>>>>>>>>>> NFB-Braille-Discussion<mailto:nfb-braille-discussion at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 8:15 AM
>>>>>>>>>> To: NFB Braille Discussion
>>>>>>>>>> List<mailto:nfb-braille-discussion at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>>>>>> Cc: Sanho Steele-Louchart<mailto:sanho817 at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> Subject: [NFB-Braille-Discussion] Reading Speed Increases
>>>>>>>>>> Hi, all,
>>>>>>>>>> Is there any kind of a science to when and by how much significant
>>>>>>>>>> reading gains will happen? I'm currently reading braille at about
>>>>>>>>>> a fifth the speed I want to. I'll practice as much as I need to.
>>>>>>>>>> Warmth,
>>>>>>>>>> Sanho
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> He/Him
>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
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>>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>>> --
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>> He/Him
>> _______________________________________________
>> NFB-Braille-Discussion mailing list
>> NFB-Braille-Discussion at nfbnet.org
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> NFB-Braille-Discussion mailing list
> NFB-Braille-Discussion at nfbnet.org
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