[nfb-db] Special Needs Program at Guiding Eyes

Marsha Drenth marsha.drenth at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 21:13:48 UTC 2014

I am too also a university student, and I thought that I could not take off a year of school. but for me it to be questionable if I could continue going to school. The main reason is my hearing, my ability to navigate my very urban university campus, my ability to hear my professors, and my ability to be successful at my senior year internship. I am a social work student, I thought there is no way I can take off, but too many challenges and struggles with my hearing, started to be too big. I had to do something. I had to do something that would allow me to continue my university degree successfully. I did't like taking off a year, fought it until the last moment possible. But in the long run, the skills I am learning here, are skills that I needed to go on with my degree, my bachelors and Masters, and ultimately my career one day. I am still here at HKNC, and very glad I came. I am glad I took off that year to do this. I will return back to school in the fall of this year. And not that it matters, I am a non-traditional student, which means I am old. LOL I don't have another opportunity to come back and do this, I will be going out and working from this on out. 
Just my two cents. If you need to come to HKNC, then it will happen. If you think your okay, then do it afterwards. Just something for you to think about. 

Marsha drenth  
Sent with my IPhone 

> On Mar 1, 2014, at 7:37 PM, Danielle Burton <danielleburton94 at gmail.com> wrote:
> thank you Marsha. I have not decided whether or not to go. I am in college right now and can't really take off school. I have thought about it after I get my degree. I just can't take a year off but i have considered goining. Actually I've been kind of debating between an NFB training center and HKNC. But when I get my dog if I decide to go I would probably choose HKNC. The NFB training centers requires using your cane from 8 to 4:30. I don't have any objections to using a cane. ow use one now. I just don't like the idea of hving to use it all the time if I have a dog. I do have another question for you though. How has your dog been trained to accommoate your hearing loss? 
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 1, 2014, at 7:27 PM, Marsha Drenth <marsha.drenth at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Danielle,
>> I am currently a student at HKNC. I am working my third guide from GDF. 
>> No HK does not force annyone to use a cane. Your O&M instructor might recommend that you sharpen your cane skills, but they will also not force you to use your dog. Your dog can do anything and everything with you. There are several staff that have guides, and currently several students who have guides. Its a friendly guide dog place. 
>> Lots of the staff love dogs, and when I am busy with classes, they will take the pup out to the dog run. They have a dog run that is fenced in. All of the pups love it. 
>> Your dog will get plenty of work, my pup loves the amount of work she gets on a daily bases, but also loves it went she gets a day off. 
>> If you want to ask any questions, since I am currently at the center, please ask away. 
>> When do you think you will be able to go to HKNC? 
>> Marsha drenth  
>> Sent with my IPhone 
>>> On Mar 1, 2014, at 7:12 PM, Danielle Burton <danielleburton94 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thank you, Darlene. I have been accepted in the Special Needs Program at Guiding Eyes and I am waiting on them to find a match for me. The reason I was asking about HKNC about guide dogs is that some training centers require to use a cane during the day regardless if you have a dog or not. i was wondering if this was the case at HKNC? 
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Mar 1, 2014, at 6:58 PM, "Darlene Laibl-Crowe" <dlaiblcrowe at att.net> wrote:
>>>> Hello, Danielle.
>>>> This is Darlene and I am Hard of Hearing and Blind.  I received a special
>>>> needs guide from Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind in Smithtown, NY last
>>>> September.  She is trained to not only guide me but to alert me of hearing
>>>> needs if I don't have my hearing aids on.  For example, the door knocking,
>>>> doorbell, phone ringing and much more.  GDF has trained several dogs for
>>>> various Deaf-Blind individuals.  One such person is named Bopin and he is
>>>> profoundly deaf and blind and does not speak.  He relies solely on sign
>>>> language fopr communication.  He got a guide dog from GDF.
>>>> I applied for the dog last July and was accepted the following month.  You
>>>> can visit their website at www.guidedog.org.  You can also give them a call
>>>> and they will be happy to answer any questions that you might have.  They
>>>> also provide transportation costs.
>>>> I love my new dog and she is amazing at everything that she does. To answer
>>>> your question about HKNC, they have an area for your to relieve your guide
>>>> and you wlll be responsible for your guide.  I was there in 2011 for eight
>>>> months.  For the first six months I had my guide dog (I retired him in
>>>> August 2012).  HKNC has many classes and will asses you for your specific
>>>> needs and determine what and which classes you will need.  One of those
>>>> classes will be Orientation and Mobility, those instructors are well-trained
>>>> to understand white cane training and guide dog training.  If you want to
>>>> ask more questions, please feel free to ask and I will be happy to answer.
>>>> If I don't know the answer I will do my best to find out or refer you to the
>>>> person or organization.
>>>> However, I would encourage you to contact your HKNC representative and ask
>>>> your questions so that your information is current and reliable.  As I said,
>>>> at HKNC everyone is trained according to their specific needs so what
>>>> training one receives will not necessarily be the one you will receive.
>>>> Good luck!
>>>> (smile)
>>>> Darlene
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: nfb-db [mailto:nfb-db-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Danielle Burton
>>>> Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2014 6:46 PM
>>>> To: NFB Deaf-Blind Division Mailing List
>>>> Subject: [nfb-db] Special Needs Program at Guiding Eyes
>>>> Hi, everyone. I have a question. Has any of you guys received a Special
>>>> Needs dog from Guiding Eyes for the blind? If so what were your experiences
>>>> there? Also, how long did you have to wait for a dog? I am waiting on a
>>>> match right now. My last question is how are guide dogs handled at HKNC if
>>>> you go for training? 
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
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