[nfb-db] DB Division Officers and Outreach

Jennifer Woods jenn.purplepuppy2 at icloud.com
Wed Aug 19 00:26:26 UTC 2015

How can I find out more about DB conventions in my area? As well as contacts for DB in my area?
Thank you

On Jul 14, 2015, at 8:38 AM, Cathy Miller via nfb-db <nfb-db at nfbnet.org> wrote:

Hi Delcemia:  That's a terrific idea.  Arlene is actually working on polishing the list of new officers in order to add the list to the records of the Federation.

I would also like to suggest that we provide a list of outreach team members along with the states covered by each member.  Randy and I attended three national deaf-blind conferences over the last four weeks, and we came home with contacts for West Virginia, New Mexico, and possibly some other states as well.  I can never seem to find the outreach team information, and I don't have two days to dedicate to locating it.  If someone can put their hands on the Outreach Team members with their states, please send it along.  It would be great to have this in, for example, a Word document that I could save to my home screen or desktop.

Delcemia, I heard your name at the DB meeting during National convention, and i recognized it from the list.  I was thrilled that you were there.  I hope you felt welcome and that you enjoyed your time with us.  We know that you will find value here, and we hope that you will continue to share your ideas.


Cathy Miller

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