[NFB-DB] hearing aids and MT vs T settings

Patty Sarchi psarchi at maine.rr.com
Sat Apr 22 01:39:09 UTC 2017

The MT program is so you can hear the microphone in a meeting and still hear
the people with you.  With just the T you block out the other people.  I
have both the T and the MT and use them at different times   You can get
neck loops for your new headphone, it hooks around your neck and you plug it
in to the headset piece and get direct sound from the book, radio, or
whatever you listen to.

Good luck with these new ones.  I have been wearing Hearing Aids for over 55
years, I hope I know my stuff by now! !

Don't give up, just keep trying but remember your audiologist is always
there for you.


-----Original Message-----
From: NFB-DB [mailto:nfb-db-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Gerardo
Corripio via NFB-DB
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 4:35 PM
To: NFB Deaf-Blind Division Mailing List
Cc: Gerardo Corripio
Subject: [NFB-DB] hearing aids and MT vs T settings

I've just got back from my audiologist, with a new pair of Starkey hearing
aids, with which I'm like reborn, able to hear more than better! 
Now though I'm seeing the thing that instead of the T program, my aids have
the M and MT programs in them. I wonder thus if with these modern aids (they
used a computer to program them while in the doctor's office this morning),
can the audiologist somehow change the program from MT to T as I had in the
past, so the aids will only have M and T instead of M and MT as they do now?
I'm beginning to worry if I ever travel on the road, how will I be able to
enjoy music, or using my iPhone with the MT settings, with the background
noise? The hearing aid model I have are Starkey BTERetroarticular Aries
CE0086,, and I'm on the Starkey Operations Manuals page over at


but I can't find the series! Any of you have Starkey the info posted above,
so as to what series it'd correspond to, so I can download the manual? And
also, can these hearing aids be programmed with the T instead of the MT, or
do generally need to be sent in to the factory to reprogram? Thanks for

Enviado desde Thunderbird

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