[NFB-DB] Recap of the 2019 convention workshop and business meetings - NFB DeafBlind Meeting

Scott Davert scottdavert at gmail.com
Mon Jul 22 19:50:41 UTC 2019

It's great to see this report! I hope this is a solid step forward toward greater transparency within the division as it relates to its members. This has been one of my concerns with the DB devision for several years now. 
I do have a question, though. I'm now a member again. Will I somehow have the option of voting even if I cannot attend the convention in Houston? I may not be able to due to work obligations.

Thank you again for the report!

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 22, 2019, at 3:18 PM, Marsha via NFB-DB <nfb-db at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Dear NFB DeafBlind Community Members,
> This email is to express our appreciation for the service and work all allies have provided to the NFB DeafBlind division. Remember that every time you as a board member, a paying member of the NFB, a financial supporter,  a parent, a SSP, or as a deafBlind person advocate for the rights and acceptance of persons who are deafBlind in the NFB; your fighting for all of us.  Our 2019 convention, was both challenging and exciting in many ways. If you were not able to join us, we missed you greatly. If you joined us in person, Thank you for taking the time to spend the afternoon or evening with us and to learn more about the mission of the NFB, about the philosophy, about topics that benefit persons who are DeafBlind, about technology, board business, and much more. It was also announced at the 2019 Board Meeting that next years convention will be held in Houston Texas. We do hope that you can join us in Houston.
> Here is a quick recap of the meetings at convention:
> Monday July 8:
> Liz Garcia from bookshare presented on how persons who are DeafBlind can use and benefit from electronic books. Many questions were asked about the app and how other persons who are DeafBlind use the services.
> Michael Hingson presented about Aira and how persons who are DeafBlind can benefit from the services. An explanation of what Aira is, how it works, how it helps persons who are DeafBlind and the related costsfor using the services. Participants asked questions and brought to light the difficulties that persons who are DeafBlind have in using Aira. Mr. Hingson encouraged those with issues to email him so that he could advocate on behalf of the DeafBlind community.
> Communication techniques and rules. There was a lengthy conversation about neckloops, communication cards, Assistive Listening Devices, and relay services. Participants of the meeting learned about how others use alternative techniques to function with both a hearing and vision loss in their home, work and community.
> Tuesday July 9
> Scott Davart Presented on Sprint IP Relay and CapTell; with a lengthy explanation of how the service works, who can use the service, what equipment is needed and the differences of both services. Scott also explained that he can be contacted for more information if folks are interested in using the service and being trained on how to use it.
> Liz Garcia presented about BookShare, the same as on Monday July 8th workshop.
> Brian Mackey presented about the NFB DB website and recent updates.
> Alice Eaddy provided a Presidential report.
> Marsha Drenth presented on Social Media, the email list, and about outreach efforts.
> Danielle Burton Presented the Secretary report to the membership and was approved by those in attendance.
> John L Williams presented a Tresurers report and was passed by those in attendance.
> Janice Toothmen presented about the fundraising efforts and the exhibit hall table.
> A tally of members in attendance was taken  and was presented with membership cards for the upcoming elections.
> Results of the Board Elections are as follows:
> President – Alice Eaddy – New Jersey
> 1st Vice President – Marsha Drenth - Pennsylvania
> 2nd Vice President – Kat Bottner - Delaware
> Secretary – Danielle Burton - Kentucky
> Treasurer – John L Williams - Florida
> Board Position 1 – Janice Toothman - Maryland
> Board Position 2 – Mark Gasaway - Georgia
> Board Position 3 – Dana Tarter – Georgia
> Board Position 4 – Maurice Mines - California
> Congratulations to the new members of our board. We look forward to working with you in the upcoming year.
> To those who are continuing to serve on our board, we Thank you for your effort and service.
> To those who are no longer able to serve or are ending there time on the board, again we appreciate your efforts and experience you have brought us. We do hope that you will continue to be a part of the NFB DeafBlind community.
> If you were not able to attend our convention in person but would like to pay your yearly dues to become an official member, please send your payment to John L Williams via mail to - 1044 Pennsylvania Avenue Apt-2.
> Miami Florida 33139.
> Phone number-305-281-5647
> Email address; jwjwlliiams775 at gmail.com
> Please make all checks payable to “NFB DeafBlind Division”.
> By paying your dues now, you will be able to vote in our 2020 NFB DeafBlind convention Business meeting. All persons who want to participate and vote in our meetings must pay dues of $5 and submit a completed membership form to the Treasurer before June 31, 2020 to vote in our 2020 National NFB DeafBlind Business meeting.
> This recap is only a unofficial recap of events at the convention, this is NOT meant to replace or be a substitute for the official division minutes taken while at convention.
> If you have any questions, about the information provided above please email us with those questions.
> And With Love, Hope and Determination we can Live the Life we want as persons who are DeafBlind!
> Thank you, Marsha Drenth -1st VP NFB DB Division.
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