[NFB-DB] Convention Accessibility

Tai Tomasi tai.tomasi8 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 14 23:57:22 UTC 2020

Good evening, everyone. My name is Tai Tomasi. My pronouns are she/her. I am
a blind member of the NFB and a deafblind ally. I have provided uncertified
captioning for deafblind convention attendees in the past. I am interested
in assisting NFB members who are deafblind with making events more
accessible. If you encounter accessibility issues during convention, please
email me so that I can address these issues with the national office. I
realize that the deafblind division is already doing some of this work, but
I want to offer my services and availability as an ally. I know how
frustrating it can be not to have access, and I want to do what I can to
take some of the work off your shoulders.  I know that the NFB national
office is working hard to make the convention accessible to all. I also know
that some sessions on the list for captioning today did not have captioning.
Please feel free to contact me with any issues you encounter. If you prefer
to email me privately, my email address is tai.tomasi8 at gmail.com
<mailto:tai.tomasi8 at gmail.com> . Also, if there are any other deafblind
groups where I should post this message, please let me know. Thanks in




Tai Tomasi, J.D., M.P.A.

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