[NFB-DB] Live captioning interface & app options with Braille display?

Todd Schwanke todd.schwanke at wisc.edu
Wed Aug 11 14:27:31 UTC 2021

Good morning.

I'm new to this list, but have been on the blindmath list.  I've done some reading back through some of the archives, but not all, to review what might have already been discussed on this topic.  I noted that there have been some discussions around live captioning, but it seemed to be mostly related to how the captions are generated, rather than how the users interact with them.  I'm happy to go back, dig through, and read more of the archives.

I work in the office that works with student accommodations at UW-Madison.  We have the remote captioning service providers set up, but I'm trying to figure out the best way for students to receive those captions when they use a Braille display.  It seems in most cases the focus and/or cursor jumps around a bit, which can make it difficult to follow along live with a screen reader.  So, I'm trying to find out what display options (e.g. Windows desktop app, web-based interface, Android app, or iOS app) might work best/better and/or what settings have to be changed for optimal use so that :

  1.  the screen reader/Braille display echoes back the new captions that appear without the users needing to keep scrolling
  2.  the cursor(s) stays synced with the new text entry point
  3.  and/or the user has to do minimal scrolling to keep pace with where the new text is appearing.
Assumption here is remote/internet based delivery of captions.  I think I'm going to intentionally hold off on saying what we have tried so far as I need to circle back to do some retesting of what students reported in different tests before I rule those interface options out.

>From the archives it appears the 1CapApp interface may have been used for the latest NFB convention.  How did that work with Braille displays?  Were any specific settings or help documents needed to get that set up so that it was easy to follow along without a lot of navigating and scrolling?

Thank you,

Todd Schwanke (he/him)
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