[NFB-DB] election at upcoming meeting

doula.jarboe at gmail.com doula.jarboe at gmail.com
Sun Aug 6 20:25:38 UTC 2023

Greetings All,


     For those of you planning to attend our August 12th meeting we will be
holding an election.  Briefly after National Convention, Kathryn Botner who
was elected as second Vice President submitted her resignation letter to
President Mines.  Anna Trotman who was elected to the second board position
was reassigned to be second vice president.  That means that we need to
elect someone else to fill the second board position.  If you are interested
in running for this position, you must be a dues paying member of good
standing and you much have someone nominate you.  The person who nominates
you much also be a dues paying member of good standing.  If you need to pay
your dues, get in touch with Sara Coleman to do so.  I believe she will be
posting a message as to methods to pay dues at this time.  I look forward to
seeing everyone on the 12th.



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