[NFB-DB] DB Topics Survey

Rod and Ele Macdonald erjmacdonald at gmail.com
Sat Aug 26 21:15:42 UTC 2023

I am a Deaf-Blind person. I am conducting a survey to find out what DB people want to discuss - the topics DB people most want to discuss in their online discussion groups.

I am sharing this survey on several lists, and would appreciate hearing from any DB person regarding what topics are most important to them.

You do not have to go to a Survey Monkey or other application: Just "forward" this email to 

erjmacdonald at gmail.com

and write your choices below.

I have listed 26 "possible" topics, listed alphabetically, and there is space to write in your own choices if I did not list them here.

I ask that you put a unique number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5...) beside the topics most important to you. For example, if your first choice is "stories about DB people", put a "1" beside that choice. If "Assistive Technology" is your second choice, put a "2" beside that. You can rank as many as you like, but I do ask that you rank at least five.

Your privacy will be assured.

If you would like a copy of the final rankings, please be sure to request this at the end of the survey AND give me the email address you would want used for this purpose.

Thank you very much.
Rod Macdonald

DB Survey: What is important to you?
---- Advocacy, Legislation
---- Assistive Devices
---- Blindness Issues, braille
---- DB Access to Information
---- DB Access to Services
---- DB Chat
---- DB Communication
---- DB Community
---- DB Conference, meetings
---- DB Culture
---- DB Education
---- DB Employment
---- DB Family Issues
---- DB History
---- DB Leadership
---- DB Organizations/Groups
---- DB Travel, Trips
---- Deafness Issues, ASL
---- Hard of Hearing issues, hearing aids, CI
---- Finances, Fundraising
---- Guide Dogs, Mobility issues
---- Low Vision issues
---- Other Disabilities
---- Rules, by-laws, Policies
---- SSP/CoNavigator Issues
---- Stories about DB People

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