[NFB-DB] Suggestion for Possible Division Activity

Tracie Inman tracielinman at gmail.com
Fri Jul 14 16:47:02 UTC 2023

Hi All,
 I also am in favor of periodic Zoom Meetings to discuss challenges,
barriers, and peer support.

Kind Regards,
Tracie Inman

On Fri, Jul 14, 2023 at 10:45 AM Robert Stigile via NFB-DB <
nfb-db at nfbnet.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> Yes the lobby was very echoey and loud.
> I found that because I have a guide dog she could navigate me across the
> lobby pretty well. When I passed the lobby i found that there were a ton of
> people who didnt mind telling you where the restaurants were! After we
> finished eating if it was my wife and i the waitress walked us to the
> elevator!
> I hope this helps!
> Robert Stigile, Second Vice-President
> National Federation of the Blind of California
> President San Fernando Valley Chapter
> 818-381-9568
> Kn6uvd
> On Jul 14, 2023, at 7:05 AM, Tony May via NFB-DB <nfb-db at nfbnet.org>
> wrote:
> I am in favor of this.
> My personal challenge is neuropathy combined with being blind and
> frequently completely deaf due to painful tinnitus that is like standing
> next to a never ending steam whistle.  My sense of touch has diminished to
> the point that I can no longer read braille.  Thankfully my tinnitus is
> intermittent because when it flares up, I feel completely cut off from
> everything.
> Having meetings is a great way to share information that could help others
> in the division.  Posting transcripts of the meetings would also help
> people that couldn't participate on the day of the meeting for any reason.
> Take care,
> Tony
> On Jul 14, 2023, at 8:32 AM, Robin Diane Graves via NFB-DB <
> nfb-db at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Good Morning All,
> In contemplating possible interactions and activities for the division
> going forward, I am wondering what others might think about having periodic
> Zoom meetings regarding the various challenges we face as deaf-blind
> individuals. This would give us the opportunity to brainstorm, support one
> another and share various tips and tricks with one another. Each meeting
> could be centered  on a specific topic.
> For instance, one of the very real challenges I face as someone with a
> “severe” hearing impairment is navigating the wide open, “echoy” spaces
> such as the lobby of the Hilton hotel at this past convention. Most hotel
> lobies offer this challenge for that matter.
> I had no problem at all navigating the halls of the sleeping area or that
> in which the presidential and host suites were located. But I was very
> uncomfortable and had a hard time navigating the lobby and finding the
> various restaurants and elevator banks because of the echo and the
> cacophony of sound. How do others handle these environments successfully
> and minimize the frustration involved?
> This is just one topic we might explore. Another might be how best to work
> on dispelling the myths associated with blindness while struggling with the
> challenges associated with hearing loss.
> My thought is that the division was formed so that we can be of support to
> one another, and address issues that even our blind brothers and sisters
> who are not dealing with the challenges of hearing loss can’t quite grasp.
> Does this make sense? What do others think?
> Diane Graves
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*Tracie Inman*
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