[NFB-DB] Availability for next board meeting

delcenia at prodigy.net delcenia at prodigy.net
Sat Jul 15 02:42:12 UTC 2023


It does depends on the time of day for the board meeting. However,
personally, Thursday August 10, Thursday August 17 and Friday August 18 will
work for me.

Thank you



From: NFB-DB <nfb-db-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Doula Jarboe via
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2023 6:35 PM
To: 'NFB Deaf-Blind Division Mailing List' <nfb-db at nfbnet.org>
Cc: doula.jarboe at gmail.com
Subject: [NFB-DB] Availability for next board meeting


Greetings to My Fellow DeafBlind colleagues,


     I hope this finds everyone enjoying their summer.  I was elected to the
position of secretary at our reorganizing meeting.  If people need me to
introduce myself, please let me know.  President Mines is proposing our
first board meeting sometime between August 12 and August 18.  If people
will let us know your best day and time during that week, we'll try to
schedule something that works best for the majority.  Thank you.



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