[NFB-DB] some information

doula.jarboe at gmail.com doula.jarboe at gmail.com
Fri Sep 8 18:26:02 UTC 2023

Greetings All,


     Just wanted to pass on a couple things to everyone.  First if you have
gone to your personal profile and don't see yourself listed as a member of
our division don't fret.  I'm not sure who initially managed putting members
into our database, but many of us are not listed there.  Once I get you
added if I understand things correctly that should show you as a current
member in your profile.  Also, if you are a dues paying member and would
like a transcript of the August 12th meeting, please let President Mines or
me know.  Our next meeting will take place October 7th, I don't believe the
specific time during that day has been set.  So if people have a preference
as to time for the meeting during that day, let us know.  That's all I have
for the moment.



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