[NFB-DB] Any change in the Board of Directors, and last minute convention reminder.

Maurice A. Mines nfbdbpresident at mmines.org
Wed Jun 26 23:38:23 UTC 2024

Good evening everyone, I just wanted to let everyone know that Justy Kramer has resigned from the board due to medical issues and Will not be joining us in Orlando. We wish her well hopefully she can get her medical issues straightened out and will certainly be around taking tribute in the future. I have appointed Angela Martinez to serve an app position for the purposes of assisting with all the things that we have to do as we get ready for convention and while at convention.

Reminders remember if you ask for interpreting services this year at Convention when you get your ticket next week please make sure that the banquet exchange tables gives you tickets for your interpreters says Don Duran. In addition to this if you wish to get a copy of the banquet speech on banquet night you must text me and or find a way to make certain I know where you are sitting on banquet night so that the national office can bring that braille copy of the banquet speech to you. The next thing is if you have not paid dues yet you have until 2 July to pay them electronically or you can bring five dollars and your contact information to both the volunteer SSP training which is held on July 3 from 930 to 1 in salon five or you can bring it to the annual meeting on July 5 in salon 15 that meeting officially starts meeting taking peoples contact information, money if they need to pay dues that time is from 12:30 PM to 1 PM the meeting will start promptly at 1 PM. Again this is in salon 15.

Just as a reminder 21 who who is unable to be with us in person in Orlando Robert Will be posting zoom information to the list serve shortly. He mentioned in our last meeting that he will start that zoom cast at somewhere around 12:55 PM Eastern time on July 5. I remind anyone who can't join us in person that officially you guys are observers and do not vote since you have to be present in the room and a dues paying member to cast a vote. However you may be nominated if someone in the room nominate you and they have a person to second that nomination. 

The next thing is a reminder about the deaf blind division chat, this gathering is in person the evening of July 7 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM in salon 14. Please note that since it is during the dinner hour you are certainly welcomed to bring your dinner with you providing that it's dinner you grabbed in the hotel and the big thing here is when we're done using that room we must leave the room spotless.

If anyone has any questions comments and or concerns, please text me or send me an email. My text number is 661 491-4341 and my email is nfbdbpresident at mmines.org <mailto:nfbdbpresident at mmines.org>. Just at the final note if you or wishing to let me know that you are seeking one of the four board member positions that are up for election next week you need to contact me and I wanna spend a few minutes chatting with you I can set those appointments up anytime between the evening of July one and the morning of July 5 to talk about it.

Safe travels everyone and I look forward to seeing those of you who are attending Convention in person next week.

Sincerely Maurice A. Mines.
President National Federation of the blind deaf blind division.
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