[Nfb-editors] Changes for Newsletter Publications Committee

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Mon Mar 12 03:35:01 UTC 2012

Hi you all! 


You are getting this message because I associate your name with people who
are interested in the existence and use of our Federation's newsletters. 


NEWS FLASH: There has been a name change and focus adjustment to the
national committee which over-sees Federation newsletters and other forms of


The news is, the former-former "NFB Correspondence Committee," turned
"Newsletter  Publications Committee," has again under-gone growing pains in
order to better meed our Federation's communication needs. 

First, there is a title change. "Newsletter Publications Committee" was
wording that gave the impression that the committee was --- only about
newsletters. The new title, I believe is more up-to-date to the challenges
our Federation's communications are tasked with in today's world. And that
new committee title is "NFB Communications Committee." (Great name, huh?)


The story behind this change goes as follows: 


All on this committee serving from 2011 until now, received a letter
assigning them a seat on a national committee. From that letter, I have
never forgotten this line: ".The purpose of the Federation's Newsletter
Publications Committee is to consider questions dealing with the Braille
Monitor, state newsletters, and the total range of communications and
information throughout our movement." 


Newsletters are one of my favorite things, but hey in terms of reaching out,
a newsletter is only one finger on the hand that we need to use to reach out
with. We need to get smart on how to use all of today's options for covering
the full range of communications, or chance not being heard!


Many of our affiliates are doing good things, in terms of communication;
serving affiliate membership, and/or reaching out to our communities. I want
to pool what we know, make sure all are aware of their options, and assist
those who wish to improve and/or expand upon their efforts to communicate. 


Okay, enough for now. Stay alert for your committee assignment, And/or if
you are not interested in serving, make that known to Doctor Maurer or me.
And if you wish to share any of your ideas or concerns with me now, call
402-660-1743 or write newmanrl at cox.net  



Robert Leslie Newman

President, NFB Writers' Division

Division Website

 <http://www.nfb-writers-division.net/> http://www.nfb-writers-division.net

Chair, NFB Communications committee

Personal Website-

 <http://www.thoughtprovoker.info/> http://www.thoughtprovoker.info


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