[Nfb-editors] Check out this marketing notice for the Arizona affiliate newsletter!!!

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Sat Jun 21 11:50:06 UTC 2014

From: "Debi Black" <debiblackaz at gmail.com>

We would like to make available, our email address for folks to be able to
subscribe to our NFB of Arizona monthly News and Views Newsletter.  Are you
able to post this as an announce only group?  Thanks.
NFB of Arizona Newsletter:

It is:

nfbaz-news-subscribe at az.nfb.org 
Thank you,

        David Andrews and long white cane Harry.
E-Mail:  dandrews at visi.com or david.andrews at nfbnet.org



Robert Leslie Newman

Personal Website-

 <http://www.thoughtprovoker.info/> http://www.thoughtprovoker.info

President, NFB Writers' Division

Division Website-


Chair, NFB Communications Committee

Vice President, Nebraska Senior Division 

First Vice President, Omaha Chapter

Commissioner, Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired


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