[Nfb-greeley] Fw: January CCB newsletter

Melissa R. Green lissa1531 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 18:37:47 UTC 2012

Subject: January CCB newsletter


2233 W. Shepperd Ave.

Littleton, CO  80120

303-778-1130   800-401-4632

ccb at cocenter.org    www. cocenter.org

January 2012 Newsletter

Take charge with confidence and self-reliance

Message from the Director 


Teaching our students that they can be independent and self-sufficient is the key to all of our programs at the Colorado Center for the Blind.  I reported previously that the Regional Transportation District (RTD) cut major bus routes to and from the current student apartments.  RTD attempted to pacify us by putting in a Call and Ride system that would provide sketchy service to the area.  As blind people, it is critical for us to know that we can travel independently and use public transportation to get where we want to go.  If we were to stay at our current apartment complex, the integrity of our program would have been sacrificed.  We do not stand by and let others control our destiny!

I am very happy to report that on January 13th we purchased an apartment complex that will meet the needs of our students in the Independence Training Program.  This acquisition also allows us to provide year round services for blind seniors, family members and youth.  We plan to house our summer students at the apartment and have great plans for the future.  The apartments are located near restaurants, shopping and have access to two excellent bus routes.  Always remember, “When one door closes, another one opens”. 

Program Notes

Independence Training Program

When you are in Colorado in the winter time, it’s time to go skiing.  Students and staff love going up to the fresh, crisp mountains to take advantage of some of the best skiing in the world.  Most of our students have never skied before.  They choose between snowboarding, downhill and alpine skiing.  Flying down a hill is exhilarating and not so overwhelming when our students learn the basics.  Everyone is having a great time.

An International Flair--come to the Center and learn about the world.  At this time, we have students who are originally from Iraq, Oman, Liberia, Somalia, Nigeria, and the Ukraine.  We also enjoy getting to know our students who come to us from all over the United States. 


It is an exciting time for the Center’s Youth Programs.   We are putting the finishing touches on our new summer youth DVD.   It will allow us to showcase all the energy of our College Prep, High School and Middle School Programs.   Also, we have updated our summer youth brochure. 

As for the Year Round Youth Program, we have recently been to Lake’s Gymnasium where blind and low vision kids were able to take part in a gymnastics class which included floor exercises, balance beam, uneven bars and meeting new friends.  In February we will begin swim classes and in March we will go kayaking with the National Sports Center for the Disabled.   Also we will be participating in a hockey camp at the Pepsi Center on February 21st and the Nuggets Sports Camp on March 6th.   We are also going to launch our Youth Culture Club in March in conjunction with Ann Cunningham.  

There will be many more events in the spring including rock climbing and a science seminar with WizKidz Science and Technology Centers.  In addition to all of this, we are gearing up for our summer programs.    

Senior Services

Over 70 seniors came together in December to celebrate the holiday season.  Everyone enjoyed spending time together and realizing that being blind is now something that they can handle. The food and desserts they brought was scrumptious.  

Anahit LaBarre, our new home instructor, has been meeting with seniors to get them set up with resources so they can continue to cook clean and take care of their households.  Anahit says that she loves meeting new people and that there is nothing better than showing others that blindness does not need to stop them.  Anahit is a graduate of the Colorado Center, has two great kids and is married to the president of the National Federation of the Blind of Colorado, Scott LaBarre.

Senior support groups are available each month.  For more information please call Duncan Larsen at 303-778-1130 extension 226.

Colorado Gives Day

Thank you to all who participated in Colorado Gives Day 2011 by donating to the Center.  Thanks to you, we surpassed our goal and raised just over $10,000!   We are looking forward to Colorado Gives Day 2012!

Colorado Center Apparel 

If you haven’t already done so, be sure to stop by the Center and check out our new Center hoodie and polo shirts.  They come in a beautiful royal blue color with the Center logo embroidered in white.  The hoodies are $30 and available in unisex sizing from small to 4XL.  The polos are $25 and available in both men’s and women’s sizes from small to 3XL.  If you are interested in purchasing and live out of town, shipping options are available!  Call Stacey at the Center (extension 213) to order over the phone and she will be happy to send to you!   An online purchase option will be available next month as well.  

Upcoming Events

It is that time of year when we start planning for the annual fundraising event!   We are in the process of working out the details of what will be a remarkable event.  Look for a “Save the Date” email in the next couple of weeks.  You won’t want to miss this one!

To refer someone who is interested in training, please call Robert Dyson at 303-778-1130 extension 249.

If you have items for the newsletter, please send them to ccb at cocenter.org.

Carol Sprague

Administrative Coordinator

Colorado Center for the Blind

2233 W. Shepperd Ave.

Littleton, CO  80120


303-778-1598 fax


Take charge with confidence and self-reliance

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