[Nfb-greeley] convention and other things.

melissa R green graduate56 at juno.com
Mon Oct 8 17:17:58 UTC 2012

Hello all.
If you haven't made a reservation for convention.
The deadline is october 12th.
please secure some door prizes for state convention by October 20th.  Even 
if you aren't attending state convention.
Door prizes can consist of gift cards, wine, mugs, baked goods, teashirts, 
talking clocks, and many other things.  I have seen people bring mixers or 
blenders, or even pillows and bath baskets.  There are some things that you 
hope that you don't win.
those of us going to convention need to find a driver or just go down on our 
I have done this for a few years.  Anyone willing to take on this task of 
finding and securing transportation to boulder and from boulder.
If noone is willing to do this, we all may be responsible for our own 
transportation there and back.
Please let me know so I can inform lisa what we are doing.
So if we find a driver and have to rent a car we can be reenbursed and the 
driver payed.
October 20th is the next chapter meeting.  Marty will be running this 
meeting since I am going to be at CU for a student seminar.
Relax marty you can do it and no resigning.
As for meet the blind month, is someone willing to coordinate our handing 
out literature after convention?
I have contacted personally yours, and cudova.  So we will have things to 
sell as fundraising for our chapter.  If you all want we can also do a fifty 
fifty raffle for the chapter as well.
Please bring door prizes to the meeting on the 20th.
Have a blessed day.
Many Blessings, Warmly,
Melissa and Pj
I never change, I simply become more myself.

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