[Nfb-greeley] February 15th meeting minutes

Marty Rahn marty.rahn at juno.com
Fri Mar 14 23:53:36 UTC 2014

Hi all,

Here are the minutes from the last meeting. I apologize for their lateness. 



The meeting was called to order at 12:15 PM. People present were Cody, Melissa, Linda, Marty, Diane, and Bill. Joe Goode, Kevan Worley, JJ Aragon, Cheryl Gross and Wayne Marshall were all present as guests. The minutes from the last meeting were accepted as they were posted to the Greeley listserv. Our treasurer's report indicates that we currently have a balance of $573.72 in our account as of 1/31/14. We still have $32 from our water bottle sales that Jessica needs to give to the chapter. We have not had any more orders for candy bars. We discussed having another Cafe Mexicalli fundraiser in July also. We thought about doing this  the week after we get back from national convention. We decided to do only one fundraising  date this time around. We will be having our  dinner on Saturday May 17th. Melissa has gotten price quotes for rooms of anywhere between $1000 and $2,000 plus we would have to pay for outside catering. The UCCC recommended that we check with the rec center which will be much cheaper and we can bring in outside food. We decided on June 14th as our alternative date in case the 17th of May does not work out for some reason. Diane said that she would take care of mailing the candy bars as she already has the packaging material. She also said that she would be willing to make up white cañe penns for both national and state  conventions. There was discussion about perhaps combining this fundraiser with another chapter.  Kevan said that he had been discussing the idea of having several chapters participate in a project so that we could raise money both for the afiliate and the chapters at the same time. We also discussed collaborating with the Aurora chapter. We appointed Linda, Melissa, Diane and Wayne to a committee to figure out cost, logistics, etc. It was suggested that Wayne also appoint maybe another two or three people to the committee from his chapter also. For the dinner, we discussed contacting Noodles and Company to see if they would be willing to donate food. Diane will contact them to find out about this. We have not been able to get contact info for the Lions Club president, so we will do this dinner event on our own. For our New Perspectives Expo, Cody has not yet received any contact from DSS at UNC as to whether or not they would be willing to participate again this year with sponsoring our fare at UNC. There is consensus that they may be willing to participate again this year, however. We will need people to staff a table at AIMS in March for their Disability Awareness Week. They would also like us to once again participate in  White Cane Safety Day in October. Kevan said that the state is beginning a project with Nike Fuel Bands in collaboration with the United States Association of Blind Athletes. WE also have a new chapter in Grand Junction called the Grand Valley Chapter. Dr. Marc Maurer, our national president was in the front row when President Obama signed the executive order that raised the minimum wage for workers under federal contracts. The day at the capital will be on Feb. 28th. We will be talking about obtaining money for Newsline, and we will also be rallying on the steps of the capital to ask the legislature to consider the proposals that have been submitted by the director of Rehab to end the waiting list and order of selection for people with disabilities who are trying to get services through DVR. In April, we will be doing elections and collecting dues. Our next meeting is scheduled for Saturday March 15, 2014 from 12:00-2:00 PM. at the Greeley Senior Center. The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Marty Rahn, Secretary,

National Federation of the Blind of Colorado, Greeley Chapter

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