[Nfb-greeley] meeting minutes from 4-19-14

Marty Rahn marty.rahn at juno.com
Fri May 2 20:14:41 UTC 2014

 Hi all,

Please find the minutes from our last meeting below.


The meeting was called to order at 12:30 PM. People present were Cody, Linda, Melissa, Diane, Rita Bill, and Marty was present by phone. The TreasurerS report stated that we have a current balance of $511.97. Cody talked with Shannon at Noodles and she said that we needed to do our fundraiser in May before the end of the secod quarter for which they have budgeted fundraising money. We have therefore decided to go ahead with the luncheon  in May. Melissa has the flyer with her today so that we can go over it and decide the fee that we wish to charge per plate and other details. Cody said that we could do something baisc like spaghesti and Meatballs or chicken alfredo. In order to get our food from Noodles, we need to have our order in a minimum of one day before the fundraiser. We are also planning to provide a salad and we will have members of the chapter donate desert. Cody said that the salad would cost about  50 cents per person. With drinks, he  decided to have waser or lemonade. We decided to also look into having coffee. We will also look into creamer and sugar for the coffee if it is possible for us to have it. We then moved to discussing the price to charge. After some discussion, we decided to charge $12 per person. We also decided that the luncheon would be held from 12:00-2:00 PM. Diane will buy dressing for the salad and Linda has bought plates. We still need to buy desert plates. Melissa will send the donations letter to people so that we can get door prizes to give away throughout the course of the luncheon. We decided to have a 50-50 rafle as well. If we get a   nice door prize, then we may rafle it off also. We then discussed putting together a program. We decided that the program would run for an hour from 1:00-2:00 PM. We will cover the history of our chapter, what we've done in the past several years within the community, and what we are planning to do in the future. There was a suggestion that Marty could speak in the capacity of a TVI to talk about the education of blind kids. We would also like to have one parent speak about their child's education from their perspective as well as to have a blind parent speak about being a blind parent. We would also like to have someone from the state come and speak to help put our chapter in perspective within the larger afiliate and the organization of the NFB as a whole. We will place flyers in strategic places around the community as well as email directors of the Greeley and Evans Senior Centers and we will also place an anouncement in the Tribune. Further, we will send the flyer to David Andrews and Becky Porter for distribution. Names of those who wish to apply for assistance to National Conventioneañeed to have their names into Lisa by May 1st. The Denver Chaptg is having a fundraising trip to a Cacino in Blackhawk on June 21st.  The Colorado Association of Guide Dog Users will be holding a seminar at CCB on May 31st from 9:00AM to 4:00 PM. We then moved into elections of the board members of the chapter. Cody Bair was elected as President. Melissa Green was reelected to the Vice Preiident's position. Marty Rahn was reelected as Secretary. Linda Anderson was reelected to Treasurer. Diane Filipe was elected to the position of Board Member 1. JJ Aragon was elected to the position of Board Member 2. The next meeting is set for May 3rd from 12:00-2:00 at the Senior  Center. The meeting was then adjourned at 1:21 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Marsy Rahn, Secretary,
National Federation of The Blind of Colorado (Greeley Chapter)
STOP eating carbs
#1 Trick to do BEFORE you eat carbs (every time)

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